"PRIPU" AND "DUMBO"!! The story of my life!!

                               The story of my life!!

Ø introduction
               Hey, I am Neil. I am an engineer.  Well, it’s a different story altogether that I don’t know a thing about engineering.  First of all, sorry for such a fuck-all title for my autobiography. Well, the “dumbo” is me. And as for “PRIPU”, well, keep reading, folks!..By the way, i assure you, I haven’t thought of this strange title keeping “bunty aurr bubli” or “raam aurr shaam” or “Raja aurr Rancho” or any other such name in mind. My title is original. Anyways, why am I blabbering? And what the hell am I saying?...well, it does prove one thing, people are right..“I am a dumbo”!!

                 I have shown glimpses of my “dumbo”-ness already, I guess. Here’s the history behind it :  This nickname wasn’t actually given by one of my college friends. But once PRIPU inadvertently asked me, “Cmon, tell me some of your weirdest nicknames”. And dumbo that I am, I told them “well, a friend of mine calls me dumbo..but please, DON’T call me by that name, please, please”. I guess, they didn’t hear the “don’t” and that’s how “dumbo” became an universal nickname for me.

               In case you are wondering who PRIPU is, well, they are two people actually. Priyank and Puja, my best friends, and like me, engineers too. It’s a norm to take lovers’ names in a single breath. But in case, you are a “dumbo” like me, I’ll tell you explicitly: priyank and puja are dating, officially,  for the past 3 years. Well, they did seem smitten by each other since the day I first saw them, and I always knew that they’ll end up together. Wow, I should have been an astrologer! Anyways, that takes my mind to the first day of college, what a day that was!!

              No,I am not gonna describe that day. My story isn’t like “five point someone” where three strangers see each other naked during a ragging incident, and that’s how they become friends. Here, things are different coz one of us is a girl. That’s a different scenario that I would have loved to see Puja naked. Damn! What the hell am I talking about? Sorry, priyank. I am just kidding.

           If you are wondering that I am going to write about my college life, how the three of us used to hang out and all, watching movies, eating at all the roadside stalls at every possible opportunity ,then you are mistaken again.  

              If you are wondering that I’ll be discussing poor grades, assignments and the boring and cumbersome engineering life, again, you are wrong.

          So what’s my autobiography actually about?...it’s about love. It’s about “pripu”. I am merely a “side hero” in this story. So, bascially it’s not an autobiography. Sorry for being a “dumbo” to mention the word “autobiography” in the first place.  

             PRIPU are the real actors. The story is about them, PRIYANK and PUJA. Well, don’t read it as “priyanka and puja”. These people are “straight”, and just to clarify, so am I.

        Really sorry for my cheap sense of humour…The tale begins finally...


             Three semesters had gone so fast, I didn’t even realize it. Time just went by in the company of PRIPU. We even went to Goa, just the three of us. Just one girl going with two guys. It’s india!! Sounds strange but actually, it wasn’t a tough task to ask puja’s parents for permission. Her dad just said one thing, “take good care of her. She’s my princess”. As if, it wasn’t just a trip and that priyank was gonna marry her the next day. Well, he might have married her too. Unfortunately, our goa trip was before they started dating, so we shared a single room.Had we gone now, well, we would have had to rent two rooms, for obvious reasons. Anyways, let me not dwell too much into that!!

                  Come sem 4, and the question inadvertently pops up in every to-be-engineer’s head, CAT or GRE? MBA or MS? Well, there are a few people who say, “I want to do neither. I want to do a job”, but due to peer pressure or insecurity, even they pick one of those. The same issue propped up during one of PRIPU’s dates. And how do I know about that conversation, well, I was there too! Strange, isn’t it? But I have accompanied them on many dates.i sometimes, feel embarrassed to be “kebab mein haddi” (translation, I hate disturbing their privacy)..But puja says, “friends come first”. So here I am, on a PRIPU date, yet again!!

                             It was their sixth moni-versary. If you are wondering what’s that, I’ll tell you.  Anniversary stands for annual or yearly . So obviously, moniversary will stand for monthly. And to celebrate, we had gone to an expensive restaurant, somewhere in Bandra. And the best thing was that, priyank was paying. He usually paid for puja, but whenever I accompanied them, he paid for me too. I love that guy!

               We were eating the most exotic of dishes and PRIPU just didn’t let me eat. They kept bugging me about my “love-life” which unfortunately, had never taken off. Yeah, it’s true, it’s really tough to accept the bitter truth. I had been single for the past nineteen years of my life, and almost everyday, puja kept telling me, “I’ll find a girl for you”.. and each day, I keep telling her the same thing, ”there’s someone pre-written for everyone. There’s nothing to hurry. I’ll be lucky too, someday.” What crap! The truth was that I was desperately seeking someone, who I could call my own, to whom I can send those “lovey-dovey” smses that I had once seen on priyank’s cell phone.

              That day was no different! They kept bugging me and I quickly changed the topic, “what are your plans after B.tech? GRE Or CAT?” Shit, that wasn’t supposed to be said.. So far, we had never talked about studies outside college. That was an unwritten law, and tonight I had broken that. But I guess, they didn’t realize this and they replied, instead of reprimanding me.
           “I haven’t thought about it” priyank said. How predictable! Priyank, the cool guy, how can he plan about the future?
            “and you?”
            “I’ll do M.S, rather I am planning to do M.S.” Puja said.
                        Puja, the topper of the class, the girl who plans every damn thing, even the smallest of things. I sometimes, wonder, how did PRIPU get together?..i mean, they are so different. I guess, it’s true, love is a strange phenomenon. Opposites do attract!

                          I wanted to do an MBA, and that too from one of the IIM’s. Well, how can a “dumbo” like me get into the IIM’s?  But there isn’t anything wrong in dreaming, is there?

               That’s when a strange thought creeped into my mind. I tried to shake it off, but I just couldn’t, the thought lingered.How could I imagine such a dreadful thing? This would shatter our lives. I tried arguing with myself. I am so wrong, I have to be! I looked at the duo. And I was convinced, that thought was a false alarm. Yes, I have to be wrong.

                 But unfortunately, for a change,I was right. I never imagined, that a small thought that night would change our lives, a few years down the line. After all, it was just a thought! A small, insignificant thought!

Ø The biggest shock!!

             The statement below was the biggest shock of my life, undoubtedly.
 “let’s join T.I.M.E” Priyank said, and I stopped jogging, bewildered.

                    We had just completed our sem4 exams, and it was jogging time. It was Priyank’s idea to jog at 7 on a fine, Sunday morning. Puja was smart to say “no”. But being the “ideal friend” that I called myself, I fell into the trap and here I was, jogging at juhu beach with this fitness-freak.

“What the…..?”I replied, still astonished at what I had just heard.
              Well, don’t be shocked at my reaction. I am not exaggerating. Throughout the semester, priyank never showed any inclination towards doing an MBA. He was still “thinking”.
                  Puja, on the other hand had already joined K.P Singh, a renowned teacher for GRE coaching.

“ I didn’t know you are gonna do MBA. When did you decide?”
“now, while jogging”
“what, you kidding, right?”
“well, no dumbo. I am not”
                I hated being called dumbo, but I guess, the name had by then, become an inseperable part of my life.

“ok, cool…let’s join today itself” I asserted.

                And so we joined. When Puja heard the news, she was shocked. I am not surprised with her reaction.  Well, she knew I was gonna join T.I.M.E, the best management training institute, but Priyank’s decision came as a surprise to her. She just couldn’t stop laughing.

                  By the way, have I told this before that she has a great smile and it’s a delight to see her laugh.  Someone has rightly said, smile is perfect when it emanates from one’s lips, reflects into the eyes and ends with a glow on the face. Such a smile puja had.

                  Puja, the perfect woman! She has the perfect set of teeth. Well, not just teeth, she’s perfect. Beauty with brains. She’s a star, absolutely!! There are times I seriously wonder, when the hell will I get a girlfriend? Whenever that would be, one thing’s for sure, I want a girlfriend exactly like puja. Well,I now know what you’re thinking. Just to clarify,  I don’t have a crush on puja. And no, I am not lying too.

             Anyways, back to the story. In two weeks time, our classes started and thus began the worst phase of our lives. Soon it would be time to slog. It would be time to burn our asses’. After all, CAT AND GRE were undoubtedly the toughest exams in the whole world, for post-graduation courses.

              According to me, the toughest thing was that, at T.I.M.E, there would be no Puja to help us out here, to bug us to concentrate at what the lecturer was speaking, or to solve our difficulties. Priyank and I were alone, and this would definitely, make the journey tougher, I had perceived.

           K.P Singh and T.I.M.E had successfully managed to separate three best friends and more importantly, two lovers. And that was the greatest crime in the whole world!!

Ø The calendar!!
                   July has always been my most favourite month of the year. In case you haven’t guessed it already, my birthday comes in July. I love dreaming about all the gifts that I would get on my birthday. Priyank and puja had always managed to surprise me, somehow. Till the very end, I could never guess what I am going to get on my birthday. Last year, they gifted me a pendrive, which was very sweet of them coz I had none. But that birthday, I got 3 pendrives coz, even some of my other friends knew I had none. This definitely,proves one thing, when it rains, it pours!!

                This birthday too, the scene was no different. I just couldn’t guess PRIPU’s gift till the very end. But this time, the gift turned out to be a bit more educational. It was a reminder that we have to study for CAT and for that, we need to have command over our vocabulary. So, here I was, a proud owner of “GRE flash cards”. Wow! It made me feel like a geek,  that too, on my birthday!

                     I had always detested people mugging words, in the library, in the train, even in the canteen. Come on, spare the canteen, at least. It’s a holy place! There’s an unwritten rule, Never multitask while you are eating. Food must always be eaten in peace!  But anyways, I had to start mugging some words too, and for this, PRIPU acted as a catalyst.

                   Months went by. It was the second week of october now. PRIPU and I, had included an hour of “vocab building session” in our schedule every Saturday. We met, mostly at puja’s place where we “planned to study” words. But in life, nothing ever goes to plan. We had been doing this ritual, meticulously for the past two months, ever since I got those flash cards, and yet we were still stuck at the word “apocalypse”. The last word was “zephyr” which seemed light years away. “Apocalypse”, even the “flash cards” reminded us that we were going to be doomed!!

                    I looked at the calendar. Puja too, looked at it, at the same time.
  “I’ll be giving GRE next september. It’s less than a year away.” Puja said, a bit crestfallen.
                   That made me realize, we were going to give CAT, next November, which is also closer than it appeared. By the way, let me reveal a secret here. Unlike puja,  I had looked at the calendar just to see when the next public holiday was. It was an open secret that I hated college, I hated waking up early.

                  The calendar was an eye-opener for us. We realized, if we had to fulfil our dreams, we had to slog. It was time to burn our asses’.

                   The next twelve months were hell. We had college throughout the day, followed by classes in the evenings. The weekends too were spent studying. We hardly watched movies. Whenever we met, after initial conversation about general stuff, our minds eventually drifted towards studies and the rest of the meeting turned out to be monotonous. I wonder if PRIPU even went on dates nowadays.

                     It was tough, but we didn’t have a choice. It’s not that the friendship was affected. It was just that the way of celebrating friendship had changed. The “bowling” on Friday afternoons had changed into “solving quant problems”. The hours spent at CCD or McD had suddenly, changed into reading essays for RC (reading comprehension) at puja’s house. We had transformed into a bunch of nerds. And that unfortunately, gave me a new nickname, “NEIL, the nerd”. (I had a tough time choosing between dumbo and the nerd. I hated both these nicknames, equally)

                  Anyways, today’s the 31st of October. CAT was just in a couple of weeks’ time. We were hardly bothered about our sem7 engineering exams,though not puja. She was a free bird now and she was even studying for her engineering exams. Priyank and I, on the other hand, were pored into our CAT books. Our aim was just to pass sem7. That’s it! No expectations, whatsoever.

                      By the way, “the free bird”  had already given her GRE and as  I had foretold, she had got a whopping score of 1560. No one could beat that, I guess.  She’ll definitely get one of the top colleges. MIT or stanford. She’s the best. She’s perfect. And I was very happy for her!

                        We were excited for her and tense about ourselves. Life, at times forces us to portray an array of emotions, at the same time. And this was a classic example.

                          CAT was nearing with every passing moment. Time would soon tell, whether our efforts have been successful or not. We could do nothing but wait and watch…..!!!!

Ø The “conference”!!

                          My lovely dream was cut short by the irritating sound of a phone-call. “Hello, dumbo, wake up. Don’t you want to celebrate?” It was Puja.

                    Priyank and I had given our CAT the previous day. The exam went better than expected, and we were both hoping for a call from at least one of the IIM’s. And yeah, puja was right. It was indeed, celebration time.

                  “You go with priyank alone. I am not coming. Let me sleep dear. I am too tired to come today.”
“by the way, I called you six times already. What the hell you doing?”
“ can’t a poor guy sleep in peace?”
“have you even seen the time?”
                         Gosh, it was 1 pm. I had slept at midnight. 13 hours!!!  This was the first time I had slept for so long. And Puja was right in being pissed off at me.
                There was a momentary beep on my phone.
“Hey, Puja, even priyank’s calling. Let’s “conference” “
                       Conferencing was my most favourite feature, that I liked about the cell phone. It allows multiple persons to talk at the same time. It does help in bringing life into the phone conversations. Conferencing was a daily routine that PRIPU and I have been doing since we got to know each other. It’s the best part of our friendship, and the most memorable part too.

                     My mind immediately drifted to a  day in the past, when as usual, priyank, puja and I were “conferencing.”

                  “It’s almost 12. We have to get up early tomorrow. I am hanging up now. Bye” We had been talking continuously since 9.30, and to be frank, my hand was paining holding the phone in my hand. Also, I am one of those who believe in sleeping early.  And so I hung up.

                  I was fast sleep when my phone rang again. It was Priyank. “Bloody bastard,” I said, in my mind, as I picked up the phone, clearly pissed off at him.
  “hello” I said, In an irritating voice.
“guess what happened?”
“dude, I am not in a mood to play games here. So get to the point.”
  “sorry, anyways, you wouldn’t believe what happened”
                     I hated this trait of Priyank. He didn’t care about my emotions. Here was a man wanting to sleep and here’s the other guy who was hellbent at giving me hypertension.

                  After what seemed like an eternity, priyank finally blurted,
“I am committed now. Puja and I are going on our first date tomorrow.”
“this isn’t the correct time to make jokes. I was sleeping. Can’t u understand, you fucking insomniac?”
“hey, I am not kidding. After you hung up the phone………..”
                        And priyank told me everything. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say. Priyank and puja, a couple!! Wtf! The only couples I had seen, so far, apart from my parents, were those seen canoodling at bandstand.

                 Anyways, here are the excerpts from the conversation between puja and Priyank ::

Puja to priyank: “why did dumbo hang up?”
Priyank to puja: “his dad must have come in his room. You know what happened to him a few days back?”
“who can forget that? Imagine no phone for two weeks.” (my dad had confiscated my cell because, according to him, I spent too much time on the phone)
“by the way, saw F.R.I.E.N.D.S today?”
“yup, how can I forget that?” (the three of us watched FRIENDS daily on star world at 7 pm)
“I missed that today. My sister wanted to watch some silly cartoon.”
“so tell me, what happened today? Did chandler propose?” (it was the last episode of season 6)
“yes, he did. It was so romantic. Candles and all. I want someone to propose to me in that way. So even if I don’t love him, I might say “yes” just because he proposed”
“yeah, that reminds me. I wanted to ask you something, would it be weird for you to date a friend. I mean, for example, you know what happened with joey and rachel, right?” (At the same time, Z café showed season 10 where joey and rachel try to have sex, but they can’t coz they are such great friends. And they feel awkward. That episode was one of the most hilarious ones I’ve seen)
“it won’t be weird. Take monica and chandler for example.”
“let’s date, just for fun. I mean, just casual. I want to experience dating. And we are almost 19, still single. So??”
“wouldn’t it be weird? I mean, you know what I mean, right?”
“it won’t be weird. And anyways, you won’t ever find a boyfriend more romantic than me”
“stop praising yourself. But are you sure you want to do this?”
“let’s give it a try.”
“okay, boyfriend.”
“by the way, when Dumbo comes to know about this, he’s sure to be shocked.”
“yeah, we’ll tell him in college tomorrow.”
“no, wait. Let’s wake him up now.”
“you do the favours. I’ll better sleep now. Don’t want my phone to be confiscated too.”
“ok, bye, good night.”
“good night……..my sweetheart”
“I love you too”
                         When I heard it from priyank’s mouth, I initially thought he was kidding. This looked like a scene from some movie. This can’t be true. But next day, I confirmed the story from puja. And yeah, it was true!! I was glad I had hung up the phone that day. Some love stories are extra-ordinary and unbelievable. And this was surely the beginning of one of those, I was sure.

Back to the present day now:
“hey, puja. Even priyank’s calling. Let’s “conference.”
          And so we did, for another two hours. I hadn’t even brushed my teeth and here I was, talking with my best buddies, priyank and puja, or “PRIPU”.

Ø When dreams come true……..!!


Dreams have countless meanings,
They give us wings,
They are a new beginning,
Of a new inning,

Dreams will come true,
We have to be patient,
We have to be persistent,
And keep trying till they eventually do,

Dreams give a new energy,
A new enthusiasm to many,
They give a new direction,
To our thinking, to our motion,

We all love to daydream,
But we don’t ever strive hard,
To fulfill them, be a winner,
We just sit back; a retard,

It’s futile dreaming,
If there’s no process,
Of realizing it, of fulfilling,
And climbing the ladders of success,

We all should have big dreams,
As through them we’ll know,
What our life really means,
As in them, the seeds of our future we sow……
                            By the way, in case you are wondering who has written such a wonderful poem, that too in such a lucid jargon, well, it’s “Priyank, the poet”.  This is just one of the many poems, that he has written.
                              And apart from all such general poems, every week, he writes a poem for Puja.  How romantic!  I have already made a pact with the “romantic poet”, that when I fall in love, I’ll be asking him to lend me some of his most romantic compositions. That’s for sure!

                          It’s indeed, a special feeling when all our sweetest dreams come true. Yes, Lady Luck had smiled upon us. Both priyank and I, got calls from all the IIM’s except IIM-A.  We, then had to got through a series of interviews. The phase was tough. At times, it drove me crazy. But priyank’s poem motivated me.
“Dreams will come true,
We have to be patient,
We have to be persistent,
And keep trying till they eventually do,”
                  And we made it. I got selected in IIM-B (indian institute of management, bangalore) and he got admission in IIM-C (indian institute of management, calcutta). Our dreams had come true!

                   That wasn’t all. Puja got in one of the most prestigious institutes of the USA, Stanford university. That makes me say, when it rains, it pours.

                  It was the happiest phase of our lives. Stanford,IIM-B, IIM-C . We just couldn’t have asked for more. There are times in life, when you feel closer to God. You feel you have achieved something phenomenal. We were smiling, we were laughing. Someone has rightly said, laughter has no bounds when the joy is real.

                   But there was a tinge of sadness too. The three of us were going our separate ways. It would no longer be “pripu and dumbo” together:: it would be priyank , puja and dumbo…..and that realization brought tears in my eyes! I’ll miss them!

Ø Some tense moments!!

“It was time to part,
I realized it deep in my heart,
I’ll miss you both,
Every moment henceforth,”

              It was the last day of our togetherness. We had spent the last three days together. But today, I didn’t accompany them. I wanted them to spend “quality time” with each other without me interfering them.  As I look back, I regret my decision. Had I gone, I could have prevented the dreadful crime, the biggest mistake from happening. But it’s too late now!

                                         It was 7 p.m. Priyank and I were going to bit a formal adieu to her at the airport.                Her flight was scheduled to depart at 2.30 am. I tried calling priyank’s cell phone but it was switched off. I called up on his landline too but no one picked that up as well. What could be wrong?

                                        I called puja. She seemed to be in a hurry, and her voice sounded different.
“hey, puja, done with packing?”
“yeah, just checking whether I have packed everything.”
“is priyank with you? His cell is switched off”
“nah. I came back home at 5.”
“okay. Anyways how did your date go? Did you guys do anything special?”

               There was no answer for the next few seconds.
“hello, puja. You there?”
“so tell me, how did it go?”
“we broke up.”
“WHAT? “
“yup. We broke up. We decided that it won’t work. Long distance relationships just don’t work. It was a practical decision”

                             I had sensed that somehow. That’s why I was acting nervous the whole day today. Do you remember the “small, insignificant thought” that I had, on their six moniversary? It was the same (about their break-up in case puja goes to the US) .I had thought about it a lot and had tried to convince myself that they are different. They’ll make even a long distance realtionship work. But I was wrong.

                         We keep saying, so often “long distance relationships just don’t work.” That’s true, because we don’t want to make them work. We don’t try. We break up and then we just drift apart. Practicality triumphs over love in real life. In movies, things are different. Actors do break up but they eventually re-unite at the airport or in someone’s marriage or some thing.

                         It takes a moment to change everything. And this was one of those.

“why didn’t you give it a shot? It could have worked. Come on, it’s PRIPU.”
“ It’s the right decision. It’ll hurt for some time, I know. But time heals everything.”
“just tell me one thing, would you be able to fall in love again?”
“yes.” Her tone was defiant, and I felt, it was better to not press the topic anymore.

I asked her one last question, “where’s priyank now? And why the hell is he not picking up the phone?”
“he said he needed some time alone.”
          I feared the worst, “did he show any suicidal tendency?”
“no, he was fine. He said he’ll meet me at the airport at 11.”
“okay, I’ll see you there. Bye.”

                   I had seen many a romantic climax at the airport. I really wished they would re-unite. I really hoped that.

                 And then I prayed……for priyank’s safety and for ”PRIPU”!!

Ø The airport!!

                        In life, we keep dreaming of finding our soulmate some day. And yet, we lose our soulmate in one impulsive decision, one mistake, in just one moment.

                                 I was sitting with puja and priyank, in the cafeteria, inside the airport premises, but outside the check-in counter. It was the last twenty minutes that we were going to spend together. There was complete silence. No words were spoken but our eyes said it all.

                          I tried to break the ice. I took my coffee mug in my hand and raised a small toast, “ this is for our friendship. I’ll miss you a lot. But today I promise that we’ll meet soon. The first day puja returns to india. Cheers!!..........Till we meet again…………..”

                        Twenty minutes passed by. It was time to part. Puja’s father was waiitng for her with her passport. It was time to collect the boarding pass. It was time to check-in.

                         “I’ll miss you” I said, hugging her, so tightly that it almost choked her.
“ I’ll miss you too. And stop being a “dumbo” in the IIM’s”
                    I smiled, meekly and said, “I’ll try.”

                         Puja and priyank hugged too, though there was a strange look on their faces. No words were said. At least, I was happy they had parted amicably or what is commonly known as “mutual consent”.

                           As I looked at them, I repeatedly told myself.. ”Throughout the last four years, you kept calling me “Dumbo”. But tonight,  you are the biggest “dumbo”’s in the whole world”……………………

Ø Epilogue:

                   Marriages are made in heaven. God has written a  unique love story for each one of us. Sometimes the story has twists and turns but then we do love adventures, don’t we?

                  It’s been seven long years since I had met my best friends, and tonight was the grand re-union, that too, on the auspicious occasion of a wedding. My wedding reception!

                    Unlike what I had predicted, it wasn’t an arranged marriage for me. I had found the love of my life at IIM-B,  Trisha. She was everything that I had imagined In my dream girl. And I was happy, elated. Why wouldn't I be?

                     Puja had settled in the U.S. She had found herself a nice NRI businessman, karan. And now they had a two year old child too, vedant. Puja had e-mailed me his pics. And I must say, he’s very cute. After all, like mother, like son! Puja had put on a bit of weight, but then after marriage, who doesn’t?

                     Priyank was working in Goldman Sachs in London. He was engaged, to Alisha, his colleague at Goldman Sachs. And the best part was that, there would be no “distance problem” in their relationship. I hope they get married soon and have kids, before priyank loses his libido. Hey, just kidding, man!!

                      “hey, dumbo,  good to see you. Wish you a happy married life”
“thanks , puja.Karan didn’t come? How’s vedant? Boy! Look at you, you’ve grown fat.”
“ I am still thinner than you are”

               I hated that taunt of hers but I was so glad to see her. I introduced her to trisha, who was elated to have finally met puja. I had always told trisha stories about puja and priyank and she was desperate to meet them. At least, she met one of them today.

                 Just then a man, wearing the most expensive of suits walked in. Boy, he looked like brad pitt.
“is that priyank?” trisha asked.
“yes. That’s him, the cool dude, “priyank, the poet” "

                 There were more than 500 people in the hall, but I cared, only about the three currently standing beside me, posing for a photograph. Trisha, puja and priyank.

                I don’t know when I’ll be able to see Priyank and Puja  again, but I wanted to cherish this moment forever.This picture will always remind me of the most memorable days of my life..
                       Sometimes, things don’t go the way we want them to, but one thing’s true, “It's all about living a fruitful day today...without thinking about the past...and without fearing the future!!”

                  This is Neil a.k.a Dumbo, signing off…..and this is the story of my life….


                       THE END!!


  1. wel, a very great story!!
    you have a gift, an extremely special gift!!
    you prove the phrase" a pen is mightier than sword"

  2. thanx a lot, maitreyi.....though you forgot to write your name..good you told me on gtalk that it's you...otherwise i would have kept looking for my "secret admirer"..hehe


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