I am a failure!!

“I am a failure!” is a cliche heard so often,
It irritates me, makes me want to run,
Away from all those poor children, who,
Keep calling themselves the unlucky few,

Why do they feel down,
Why, on their faces, is a constant frown,
They appear always so dejected,
And think it’s the end of the world if once they failed,

Parents got to realize this,
Their children aren’t some machine,
They need to expect less,
And not be obsessed about their child’s success,

Parents get frustrated and say,”You are  a failure!”,
Though in reality, their children are not,
Who the hell are friends, family and peer,
And to call one a failure, what right have they got,

Alas, we are a redundant society,
Full of preconceived wrong notions,
Why do we want our children to become a doctor or an engineer,
Isn’t there anything else that is no less inferior,

Alas, we are a redundant civilization,
Where marks are just about everything,
There is no scope for innovative creating,
As down the drain, go the children of our nation,

“I am a failure” is all these poor kids can say,
And they feel ahead, there’s no way,
Suicide seems to be the last resort,
And to our society is added, yet another blot,

When will the elders grow,
When the child psychology they’ll know,
When will they comprehend,
And when from their rigid nature they’ll bend,

Countless examples lie in front of us,
Of famous personalities who were once called,
A failure by each one of us,
Are now an epitome of success and a demi-God,

Yet elders don’t realize,
They just don’t perceive,
They keep making demands from their children,
Pushing them to the threshold of burden,

I am not an expert in child psychology,
But I understand children’s needs,
 So let us not trouble these poor kids,
And let them spread their wings freely……………….

p.s…. if still I haven’t been able to convince you to support your children to pursue their dreams, then I guess, “I AM A FAILURE!!”


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