

This is not exactly a poem but a few stanzas, written in a haphazard way…and I admit, it could have been better put…but I hope, I strike a chord with the readers, and hope what I wish to portray through the poem can be understood by all….cheers!!

What are humans exactly,
I do want to make out,
I want to understand their race,
In spite of them being complicated.

Humans are known to be technology crazy,
Always keen on experimenting and progressing,
Yet, why do they cherish an obsolete gramophone,
To add to the grandeur of the living room.
Why do they dream to buy a brand-new Porsche,
Yet they also cherish a nineteenth century wagon,
Isn’t that known as duplicity…

Humans are big-time hypocrites,
Lectures are given to villagers,
To stop being obsolete and superstitious,
Yet, why does the city crowd read the astrology forecast daily,
And why do they change their names,
Just for the sake of numerology,
Yeah, that’s nothing but two-facedness.

Humans are heartless,
As countless animals are slaughtered,
In the name of food or offering,
Why don’t they ever see these animals suffering…..
Yet sometimes the same humans fight,
For protection and ethical treatment of animals.
Humans are indeed strange,
And I am talking about humans of any age.
They always need someone,
By their side or on the phone.
Yet, why is it that they tell,
The same person to leave them alone,
In moments of anger or grief.

Humans are indeed eccentric,
I also think they are immensely lazy.
At times, they fake they are unwell,
Just to save them the trouble,
Or at times, they work double,
In spite of being really weak and pale.

So, what are humans exactly,
I do want to make out,
I do want to understand their race,
In spite of them being complicated.

Technology is expanding,
But so is violence.
Medicines are being created,
But so are death inflicting weapons.
Peace is being constantly talked about,
Yet no one does anything,
To stop the ever-existing apprehension of war.
Yeah, humans are indeed power-thirsty mongrels.

Humans are dumb and claim they are helpless,
Humans are born idiots and claim they are improving.
Humans tame animals and claim they are the greatest,
They have made calamities detecting instruments,
Yet animals sense earthquakes before they do.
Humans cry for food and shelter,
Yet animals build their own house and earn their prey.

It’s time to give the humans some advice,
Learn from the bees, who sacrifice,
Just for the happiness of one queen.
Learn to unite like the ants,
Learn persistence from the spider,
But can the arrogant all-knowing humans learn,
I don’t think so.

I find it slightly disheartening,
To see the humans tame the poor animals.
If it were the other way around,
Life would have been so much better,
The city would have been so much safer,
The world would have been so much happier,
But alas, what you wish is not what you get,
And one would never ever achieve,
Complete happiness and world peace,
Due to the self-proclaimed greatest creatures,
The so-called humans......

So humans, prove that you are the greatest living creatures on earth. Do something!!!….hope this satirical take on your race and this criticism will make you improve and make this world a better place to live in…….cheers!!


  1. hey u think fluently n hav a beautiful deary learn 2 form a poem...n ya u lyk ma blog den add me in ur follower list
    . shall keep commenting
    .. n ya do improve....

  2. ok..thnx for commenting....btw, did u read my blog till the end?....there are some poems which can be called a "poem" PRISON, POISON, YOU...i agree that this one isn't at all good....and yeah, i'll keep following ur blog and try to learn few tips from u.....cheers!!

  3. though u claimed it not to be a poem...
    i never felt so....

    well, it did not matter to i could read ur cause.

    its good to know that u hav unflurred man's true colors...nd im sure every reader does so...

    u seem to be a deep thinker...
    this world needs ppl like u....



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