The world of Neil Joseph!!

                   Today on occasion of my second anniversary, I have decided to write a story. An autobiography. An insight into my world. Not my entire world, just a part of it. But an integral and the most important part of my life. Love and friendship.
                     Welcome to the world of Neil Joseph, welcome to the world of Neil and Ria …..and Swati!!

The beginning!!
                 Love is just a waste of time. Countless romantic movies with typical stories, twists, and endings made me a strong “anti-love” person. (If there’s a word of that kind) But like all opinions, even this changed. It had to change. Coz I met an angel.

                It was the first day of college. I was shy, aged 16, walking alone, amidst the crowd, towards the auditorium for an orientation lecture. While some of the others were busy searching for some good-looking girls (hot chicks), I was nervous about my academics, my grades. I was thinking about my ambitions, my dreams.  My nickname in school was “Neil, the nerd!!” and I perfectly lived up to that sobriquet.

               “May I sit next to you?”
               “Yea, sure”
              “I am Neil.”
             “Nice to meet you, Neil. And I must say you are really cute.”

                  If you think that’s how I met Ria, well, you are mistaken. The conversation wasn’t fake. It’s just that the girl was Swati who ended up being my best friend. (I did add that “cute” thing though. I wonder why no girl has ever called me cute on the first day. It usually takes a girl three meetings to find me cute. Quite a pomous statement, one might say. But it is the truth.)

                I met Ria a few days later in the canteen by coincidence. Well, coincidences are sweet, aren’t they? She wanted a Mangola. She handed a 100 rupee note but the man at the counter didn’t have change. And that’s when I happened to walk into the canteen.
                “Excuse me, do u have 12 bucks?”
                 I gave her the money and said, “Return it to me the next time we meet.” (That was a line that I shouldn’t have said but I nevertheless did. Quite an idiot I was back then.)

               The first three months weren’t that memorable. While I ended up befriending Swati, the only conversations I had with Ria were about studies, that too in dingy labs. Ria was pretty, undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in college. Many had a crush on her, and she “crushed” the hopes of all those roadside Romeos effortlessly.  I had heard that eight people (including a girl) proposed to her within the first two months of college. To such suckers I wish to say, “Infatuation isn’t love.” It was a different thing that I didn’t know what love was, either.

                Months just went by. Nine, to be precise. Swati, Ria and I had become inseparable. The three of us went for movies, ate out and spent weekends at Swati’s house.
               Swati was the sweetest, most down-to-earth person I had ever met. And also the richest amongst us. I had always been attracted to her house. It was on the 14th floor in a plush locality of Mumbai with a breathtaking view. I even considered marrying her and settling in that house, just for the view.  (I regret having made this comment because it caused quite a furore in my life later on…..)
              Ria, as a person was quite a contrast to the way I was. She was easy-going, fun-loving whereas I was nerdy and boring. Well, opposites attract and that’s what happened.
                The term “first love” was so exciting. I had seen teenage romances in movies and how the feeling of love truly transforms you and takes you to a different world altogether. You start dedicating songs for your lover. A romantic song makes you want to dance with her. Looking at other couples makes you want to be in their place, holding hands, spending a nice romantic evening together, looking at the glorious sunset, then walk on the beach for hours and finally end the day with a long, soft kiss at midnight. (Couples “do” other things too, but a “man of principles” that I am, I wasn’t going to do all those things till I would be “legally entitled” to do so. )
              In those days, I began dreaming a lot. About Ria. About us. About our future. I even thought of our babies’ names. But the worst thing about dreams is that when you wake up, you realize that it was just a dream. Dreams come true, people say. An overly optimistic thought, I say because dreams never come true (except the nightmarish ones).
             I was in love, no doubt but then came the hardest part. How should I confess my love to her? What if she rejects me? What if she never talks with me again? I had heard “one-sided love stories” break friendships and I didn’t want that to happen with me. This had once happened to a guy in school and he turned into a “non-drinking Devdas”.  I didn’t want to lose such a good friend, because Swati and Ria were the only two friends I had.         
             I was utterly confused. I hadn’t even told Swati about my feelings for Ria. Day and night I kept thinking.  I couldn’t sleep for five days. The dilemma exacerbated with every passing moment. Finally on the sixth day, I decided what I was going to do. I had finally, made up my mind…………

The proposal!!

                 It was the 3rd of September, 2009, a public holiday. In short, it was a perfect moment to propose Ria. And I had a perfect plan.  One phone call started it all.

                 “hey Swati… what’s up?”
                “nothing great. getting bored at home.”
                “let’s meet up at your place. We’ll watch “THE PROPOSAL”. I have it in my pen drive “
                “Fine with me. Ask Ria if she’s free.”
               I wanted to tell Swati about my real intention about the meeting but didn’t know how to tell her. I didn’t even know whether she was aware about my feelings for Ria. Swati sensed I was hiding something so she bluntly asked,
“ I have an intuition that you want to tell me something. So what is it? Blurt it out. “
             I hated Swati’s intuitions that hardly ever came true. Be it the questions in an exam or our marks or even mundane things like someone’s dress colour on a particular day, Swati had intuitions about everything. But that moment, I neglected the word and said,
“Hey, I have feelings for Ria and I want to tell that to her after the movie. I have everything planned. Just want you to give us some privacy. Make some excuse and sneak out and then I’ll do the rest.”

             That seemed so unethical. I had just asked someone to “get out” of her own house. A momentary pause and then she said, “I kinda knew it all along. Had an vision about it a few days back. All the best. Be fearless. And I am sure she’ll say “yes”. That’s another of my intuitions.” And then the devilish laugh.
          I hated that dreaded I-word.  Why did she have to say that? It made me all the more nervous.

              I called up Ria, fixed up the plan at 3, prayed harder than ever, put on my best clothes and left for Swati’s house.

             Usually, I watch movies intently, admiring the cinematography, the direction, the locales, the acting and everything else the cinema has to offer. But that day I didn’t care a damn what Sandra bullock was doing. The real “proposal” was yet to come.

             “Nice movie. It was hilarious. It was fun. ” Ria commented immediately after the movie.
“ yup.” I said. I was feeling too shy that day. the whole proposal thing was getting on my nerves. I just wanted it to get over. At that moment Ria’s answer didn’t matter much. I just wanted the process to happen smoothly.

              After some aimless chatting, Swati finally said, “hey, I have some work. Mom had said to buy some groceries. Will be back in sometime. You guys enjoy till then.”

“ya sure. Take your own sweet time.” I said. I was messing it up badly. I was being too obvious.

             Just as swati was leaving, ria’s cellphone rang. It was her mother. While she talked on the phone, I kept fidgeting with my cellphone. As soon as she hung up, I blurted,
“so how would you want your guy to propose?”
“hmm…with flowers or chocolates. Or anything. No preferences. But nowadays guys lack courage. They are sissy like you.”
     I was taken aback by that but I said, “ why do u think I lack courage?”
 “well, you are very shy.”
“not anymore.”
               Just then her cellphone “beeped.” It was a text from me. Surprised, she asked me “what did u text me just now?”
“read it. You will come to know.”
      It seemed so surreal. I just hoped for a “happy ending.”

          She opened the message and the next moment my heartbeats jumped to 150, I presume.

The message was as follows:

“ In life, luckily,
I have almost everything,
The only ingredient missing,
My love, it’s you,

My heart has chosen you,
Since a very long time,
It always keeps dreaming,
Of your hand in mine,

The first time I met you,
I remember the whole conversation,
That happened in the canteen,
As I long for it to repeat everyday,

Nothing can erase the memories,
From my mind that feels,
Your presence every minute,
As I keep praying to meet you again soon,

You make a boring journey,
Truly memorable and enjoyable,
You are such wonderful company,
So lovable and affable,

Each time we part,
I just can’t utter goodbye,
I don’t want you to go,
And I feel momentary sadness in the heart,

So many times I’ve thought,
Of a romantic evening,
With soft music playing,
And mild, gentle breeze rubbing your cheeks,

I love the innocent twinkle in your eye,
I am addicted to your smile,
To get you off my mind,
It’ll take an infinitely long while,

People say it takes a lifetime,
To find our soul mate,
But I am sure I’ve found mine,
In only my late teen,

In life nothing’s perfect,
But I know our relationship could be,
This I know a thousand percent,
A world of Utopia, indeed; just you and me,

I don’t know why,
I am making such a proposal,
But I’ll try not to cry,
If at all, I hear your refusal,

Dreams are many; words are few,
To describe how much I need you,
I live for you, and only you,
All I want is forever, just to be with you……”

Ria looked at me intently, and asked, “ are you serious?”
I gazed into those eyes and said, “more serious than I have ever been in my entire life.”
“so we are a couple now I guess? So should we give each other a hug?”
“so is that a yes? Awesome! I can’t believe it.” And I smiled. The million-dollar smile as people commonly say.

      That evening, ria, swati and I went out for dinner. To welcome a new beginning. it felt great to change the Facebook relationship status to “in a relationship”….. I just hoped I won’t have to change it to “it’s complicated.”

The journey!!

            It is an amazing feeling when dreams come true. It felt great to be committed.

            Next day, after college, we went on our first date. It wasn’t grand, unlike how I had dreamt my first date would be. But one hour ten minutes spent at McD was fun. Frankly speaking, it didn’t feel much different. There were no cozy moments, no romantic talks; just like two friends hanging out. We decided to walk back to our house. It was raining.Our first walk in the rain,cuddled close, under one umbrella. Now we felt like a “couple.”
              In the coming days, the time I spent on the phone with her increased drastically. If I wasn’t on phone, we would be texting each other. It was as if we couldn’t live even a single moment without each other. We told each other what we ate, which sitcom we were watching etc. Every single thing.

            I also got a new nickname, “nectar.” Why that name?  Till this date, I have no idea. But Ria thought it was unique and sweet, “a perfect name for a sweet person like me”.  I felt flattered indeed.

              There are only two problems in the initial phase of any relationship. First, your phone bills soar. Second, you begin to ignore other friends. Or at least that’s what they start telling you. Fortunately, LOOP MOBILE had a solution for both.  The “10 ka gang” scheme proved to be a blessing. I didn’t care about the remaining eight numbers. All that mattered were the two – Ria and Swati. Cheaper call rates and cheaper messaging rates – the best gift any student could want.

                All was good during the first six months. Rosy, indeed. Chats with Ria became a bit too corny at times. A bit perverted too. Well, “a bit” is an understatement. The intitial “gnsd” messages turned to “ gnwd” (good night, wild/wet dreams – a term that I should have coined, but was coined by her. ) We had heard about the term “phone sex”; but to implement it was even more enjoyable. The only problem with that was: neither of us took anything seriously. So if one of us made any such “arousing comment”, the other would laugh and our conversation would become “normal friendly stuff” again. It was such a happy phase of my life. Daily I would wish for it to last forever.

               I remember a line I read somewhere, “ the real test of a relationship is not in the initial stages. It’s after a period of six months that misunderstandings begin to occur. And as we all know, cracks once developed widen over time.” Highly pessimistic, one might say. But true, indeed.

               There’s always one issue that tends to divide couples. In my case, it turned out to be our mutual friend- cum- my best friend, Swati. And the worst part was that, this happened on the day of our first anniversary.

                That day, Ria, in her black ( highly arousing) gown was looking a complete contrast to my casual shirt-jeans attire. We ordered fresh lime soda to start with. Neither of us was twenty-one so there was no chance of hard drinks being served to us. I had dreamt of sipping wine with my lover on my anniversary, then a slow dance, then a long, soft kiss. But as I said earlier, only nightmares come true; dreams don’t.
                Ria seemed highly uncomfortable. I felt she wanted to tell me something. Being a frank person that she was, she said it directly.
“I feel you are in love with Swati.”
          I thought she was kidding so I said, “yea. I wish I were spending my anniversary with her rather than with you.”
      “I am serious.”

I took a sip from my fresh lime soda and said, “what do you mean?”
“ I mean I think you have feelings for swati.”
“what makes you say that?”
“you have said quite a few times that you would die for her. You would do anything for her. Just to see her happy. Haven’t you said it? What does that mean?”
“so just because I care for her means I am in love with her?”
“in this world, yes.”
“what about selfless friendships?”
“they don’t exist.”
“well, they do. Swati is my best friend. That’s it.”
“ the term “best friend” is used by people to hide their feelings.”
“I am not one of them. I never hide anything. I don’t lie. Relationships are based on trust. You don’t trust me?”
“hmm is the most confusing reply anyone could give.”
“I trust you. But there are situations where you treat her the same way as you treat me. You call her sweetheart, don’t you?”
“yes. But what’s wrong in that? Sweetheart’s commonly used by all. And that’s because she is special to me.”
“you have excuse for everything, don’t you?”
“it’s not an excuse.”
“here’s another instance. Didn’t you say that you love her house and you would marry her just to live in that house?”
“cmon, that was in jest. We have been together for one year now. You don’t know me?”
“sometimes I think I don’t know you at all.”
“Huh. So what do you want me to do?”
“stop being friends with swati. Or at least don’t talk to her daily.”
“I can’t stay without talking with her.”
“See, such words make me feel that you are in love with her.”
“love is not dependent on’s based on feelings. And I don’t have feelings for her.”
“my heart says you do.”
“why are we discussing this? Why can’t we just enjoy? It’s our anniversary.”
“ how can this be an anniversary where there are so many issues to discuss?”
“you are creating issues.”
“you are blaming me as usual. You are Mr. Right, Mr. Ethical. You can never be at fault right?”
“if breaking friendship with swati is what you want, well, that can’t happen.”
“then break-up with me.”
“I don’t want to.”
“let’s take a break then. Maybe we will sort out our differences and then we can get together again . if not, we’ll part.”
“I don’t agree with you.”
“you have a better solution then?”
                  I shook my head.

         The evening passed In silence. After bidding goodbye, the entire conversation started playing In my head. I knew Ria was the only girl I was in love with. I loved Swati too, but just as a friend. She was important to me. I couldn’t just end my ties with her just to keep Ria happy. I felt Ria was being unreasonable. But was she? Is it wrong to have a female best friend? It’s disappointing that even in 2010, people think “guys and girls can’t be just friends.” If I were to break ties with Swati, how would she feel? She needs a friend like me too.
         Why is life so complicated? Why can’t things be normal? Why is there a fall after every rise?  It was time to change my facebook relationship status to “it’s complicated.”

                   The letter!!

          The events of the previous night had completely shattered me. I had never felt this confused and vulnerable before. Sad songs ran in my head, depressing words came out from my mouth. And in those moments of melancholy, I wrote a poem.

“Why did u leave,
When there was so much love,
I had yet to give,
Leaving me all alone,

We could have sorted out,
All the existing problems,
We could have found out,
Better and effective solutions,

We were an epitome,
For all romantics die-hard,
We could have been carved,
In monuments of stone,

I knew we had the spark,
For our love to sustain,
All the moments tense and dark,
But now it’s all in vain,

Life is about adjusting,
Love is about understanding,
I can’t believe it’s all over,
When I was meant to be with you forever,

What was my mistake,
When for you, I was willing,
To put my life at stake,
Coz being with you was such a blessing,

Life’s all about hope and belief,
All I want is to be with you,
And I’m sure one day you’ll come back,
Coz our love is everlasting, deep and true………..”

             The last stanza was optimistic indeed. And something rare from a pessimist like me. I finally slept around 6 am. But not for long. A beep on my cell phone woke me up at 7.30 am. As I walked to the dressing table, I prayed that the text was be from ria, apologising for everything that had happened the previous night. But it was not to be. The sender was Swati and the message was, “ meet me at 11.30 CCD. Urgent. “
              I hadn’t said anything to her about what had happened the previous night. I was tempted to tell her everything that moment. I even typed a text, “ I broke up. Not in a mood to meet you.” But then I remembered one of the promises I had made to swati, “whatever happens between me and ria, I promise that I will never cease being friends with you and I also promise that I will be there with you, whenever you need me, wherever you need me, anytime, anywhere….”
          And so I replied, “yup. Will be there. Don’t be late.”

          I wonder why we give so much importance to our lover at the cost of everyone else. Now as I look back,I feel glad that I didn’t ignore swati that fateful day.

“hey I didn’t expect you to be on time. By the way, why are you looking so depressed? “
“can we grab a seat first? “ Swati replied. But I was sure something was wrong. I just hoped it wasn’t anything serious.
           Unlike the other times we met, not much was spoken that day. After some mundane conversation, she handed me a letter. “I want you to read this.”

            “ Hi Neil, the best buddy anyone can get on this earth… this note’s for you.. and for all the memories that we shared…
                You have been there for me more than even my mother. You have stood by me in good and bad times more than any husband would. You have been such a sweetheart. An adorable friend I just enjoy talking with. I remember every bit of the conversations we shared. Friends like you are rare. You made me understand the meaning of true friendship. In a world full of bastards and bitches, you and ria are the only two angels and I am lucky to have met the two of you. Especially you.
                 I always thought that once you get a girlfriend, you would forget me. I would be just some acquaintance then. But thanks for proving me wrong. You don’t know this but in reality, I was scared on 3rd sept 2009. I didn’t want to lose my best friend. I am glad that didn’t happen and our bond actually deepened. You might think that some of the stuff I have written Is repetitive, but you deserve it….every bit of it…
                   I am sorry for having hurt you in the past, for not being there for you at times, for saying things that I shouldn’t have said. Thanks again for understanding me completely, for forgiving my mistakes, for ignoring my flaws……….thank you for everything.
p.s- You remember right that you and ria and me and my husband are going to have honeymoon together? Well, I relieve you from that promise today. You can enjoy your honeymoon whenver you want and may you have a good life with her. May you have amazing children……………and if possible name one of them “Swati.”
            Neil, I don’t know how to say this…..Now I know why I wasn’t feeling well in the past few months. I came to know it three days ago, but I didn’t want to ruin your anniversary celebration……… I have breast cancer. Well, it’s rare for an eighteen year old to get that. Tha’s what the doctors told me. But I am “special”. I am “unique.” But only in the negative things. Why can’t I be happy? ………….. ”

       The letter left me confounded. I looked at her. And there she was crying profusely. I got up and hugged her and kissed her forehead.
“Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. You are not going to die. We are going spend our honeymoons together. It was a deal which won’t be broken.”
“promise me you will name your daughter swati.”
“nah. I won’t. coz she can’t have the name as her favourite aunt. Right? You are going to live long. You are going to play with my children. You are going to have children of your own. I promise.”
“Thanks Neil. Your words, however fake they be, always give me relief. Now stop hugging me. People are watching us. And you know that I don’t like melodrama and sentimental moments.” And she laughed. But I knew that her heart was crying. So was mine.
         We chatted for more than three hours. All the happy stuff, the priceless moments.  After I bid her goodbye, the intensity of the words,” I HAVE BREAST CANCER.” sank in. I wondered, was my best friend going to die? The break-up didn’t matter anymore. I could break-up a thousand times but I wanted Swati to be fine again. I wanted things to be normal again.

          I sent a text to Ria, “hi, swati has breast cancer. You may not want to talk with me, but be with her. She needs us… please.. for the past memories.”

         Few minutes later, Ria called. I didn’t know what my relationship status was. But frankly, I didn’t care.  We spent a couple of hours, consoling each other. “everything’s going to be fine.” Were the most used words that day.

         On the outside, I tried to be calm and composed as if nothing’s wrong. I behaved as if cancer was just a “ viral fever” but inside, I felt that I was going to lose my best friend. Till a few days back, I had always thought that it would be “distance” that would break “the fantastic trio” and not “death.”  And I cried again. Profusely.

                  And that night, for the first time in a long time, I prayed………not for myself, but for my best friend……………….

The survival!!

          How can a person aged eighteen have cancer? That too, breast cancer. I had read on the internet that it’s extremely rare. Then why swati? Why? I mean, why would God want to hurt such an angel? Surely he can’t be that big a sadist. Or maybe he didn’t exist. Maybe god was infact,a devil.
                What the hell was I blabbering?  I immediately prayed to God, “sorry for calling you a devil. I know you are not. But please prove it. Please take care of swati. “

               Doctors reiterated the fact that Swati had stage-1 cancer so there was nothing to worry. It was rare, but they assured that she would soon be cancer-free. I was awaiting that day. In the next six months, Swati became my first priority. I made sure I was there for her always. Be it at the hospital, or at her home. i was trying to be what her letter said I was. The best buddy. The adorable friend.

              Ria too, did her bit. She was there for swati, as often as she could. But more importantly, Ria’s presence was the support I needed.  Darwin had coined the term “survival of the fittest.” I modified it to “survival of the cutest.” Swati liked that name. That was the best part.

             When Swati’s treatment was going on, the three of us saw all the sitcoms that we knew. F.R.I.E.N.D.S, How I met your mother, castle and even The Simpsons. I still remember the moments when while we were laughing, suddenly I would start crying and then I would hold back her tears lest Swati should see them and get depressed again.

         During that phase, I wrote many poems for swati, the best one being “GET WELL SOON!!” :

“I can’t see you so low and sick,
I can’t imagine you so mellow and meek,
I just can’t see you crying,
I just want to hear you blabbering,

There’s nothing to worry,
Nothing’s happened to you really,
Believe me,I am not lyin’,
In few days you’ll be fine,

Let your mind drift to,
All the lectures we bunked together,
To watch countless movies of horror,
And every time, I tried to scare you,

Do you remember the evening we spent,
Eating the cookies you made,
And I just kept telling,
I was glad I didn’t suffer from food poisoning,

Do you remember our group dance erstwhile,
When you had tripped and cried,
As for four hours to console you I tried,
Before finally you did smile,

You  have been through days rough,
But you have effortlessly hung on,
Coz you are mentally tough,
And you know this phase will soon be gone,

So just close your eyes,
Let your mind drift,
To all the days nice,
And this dark cloud cover will sure lift,

You still have to fulfil many dreams,
You still have to experience many feelings,
Everything’s going to be all right,
The dark phase will soon vanish from sight,

I know you’ll fight back,
Coz you have the courage that many lack,
Get well soon, is all I’ll tell you,
And remember that Ria and I miss you……………..”

               Our prayers worked. God finally blessed us and showered all the love he could, upon the three of us.It was 26th August, 2011. A day that I would remember always. The doctors declared Swati “cancer-free.” Obviously, there were the usual things they said regarding “follow-ups”, “routine check-ups” etc but it certainly, was time to rejoice.

           The “cutest” had survived. She had fought galliantly and if I were to give a bravery award to someone, it would be to her. It was amazing to see her fight through moments of excruciating pain. It was unbelievable to see her smiling in adversity. For me, swati was a true winner. An inspiration to everyone suffering from cancer.
        I always see people whining, though they have everything. I was one of those. But not anymore. Swati’s tryst with cancer managed to make me feel grateful for all that I have. It made me get rid of all my regrets, unfulfilled dreams, unreciprocated desires etc. Her cancer proved to be a turning point in shaping my personality. I ended up being a fearless optimist. Something I had always aimed to be.

         26th August 2011 was a memorable day, indeed. But the best was yet to come……………..

Priceless moments!!

              That evening, the three of us went to Marine Drive, just to experience the monsoon.
“It feels so great to be together again. I love the breeze. I just love this place.”
          Then suddenly, out of nowhere,  Swati asked something that stumped me. “so what are you guys doing on your second anniversary? “
                  Gosh, we hadn’t told anything to Swati about our “break”. The year had gone so fast that I too, hadn’t realized about the anniversary. I looked at Ria, thinking of what to tell Swati. Or whether to tell her anything that day.
             Ria gave her the classic evasive answer, “ well, we haven’t decided anything as of now. “ I felt relieved. We dropped swati off. It was late when we left from her place, so I offered to walk with Ria to her house. It felt awkward. Swati’s question kept repeating continuously in my head.
              “good answer you gave swati.” I said to Ria.
             “ huh. that was the truth. We have to decide something. Time’s running out. So you decide something tonight itself.”
            Her answer baffled me. “so you mean to say, are we still together? You had broken up with me, remember? “
            “it was a break, my Nectar…..not a break-up. In the past eleven months, I have realized how impulsive, stupid and unreasonable I was. I am sorry. People like you are rare. I want to spend my life with you, I am sure.” A pause and then she added, “Do you want to move on? Have you moved on?”
             “naah. Never. You are my first love. My only love. We are going to spend fifty years together. Remember? Forever and always. Coz I love you truly, madly, deeply…..and will always do so“
                        It seemed so “filmy.” Some might be repelled by such dialogues, but trust me, when you say such dialogues, they seem truly romantic. Truly wonderful. Truly blissful.

That night, I texted a poem : “PRICELESS MOMENTS!!” to my two best friends……..who meant the world to me.

“Sometimes we seek happiness,
In the grandest of things,
But it’s strange we get true joy,
In the smallest of things,
An evening spent with you means more,
Than a lifetime with some random friend,
Some memories truly remain,
Priceless till the very end,

I don’t know if I have told you this,
But everytime I meet the two of you,
When we part, the very next moment,
I begin to miss you,

I can’t sleep for hours at night,
As the moments spent with you,
I keep thinking about,
It’s not an exaggeration,

You were there for me,
When I needed a friend,
You are the two I will count upon,
Always, forever, till my days end,

There were times we fought,
There were time I must have hurt you,
But it’s said, when you are great friends with someone,
They have the complete right to hurt you,

My care for you is unconditional,
And I promise to be there,
Whenver you need me,
Come what may, anytime, anywhere……………………..”

                As I kept the cellphone beside me, I realized: There is an uncanny resemblance between real and reel life. Life is indeed, a “bollywood movie”…… romance, drama, fights,joys, sorrows, songs (or in my case, poems); but most importantly, “A HAPPY ENDING”…………………………

        THE END!!

p.s- this was my 2nd story.... 
             here's the 1st story: that's related to engineering graduates- MBA or MS? and whether distance affects bonds or not......


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