The parting glance!!

Alas, It was time to part,
I realized deep in my heart,
I would never see my buddies again,
And also no drug could ease this pain,

They had come to bid me goodbyes,
At the airport with teary eyes,
I went numb, I didn’t feel like going,
Coz  my soul I was leaving behind,

I hugged everybody present there,
Saying to each, I’ll miss you, take care,
Accepting  cards and notes sentimental,
And many other parting gifts too,

Every small step away from them I took,
With moist eyes at everyone did I look,
That parting glance made me forlorn,
It made me realize that henceforth I would be alone,

Before my eyes flashed the past few years,
I tried hard to wipe those tears,
But it was no use coz they came harder each moment,
Reminding me of the things i was going to miss,

They were the ones who cared for me,
They were the ones who always supported me,
Through thick and thin,
I sat in the plane, reminiscing,

Seeing me cry, the airhostess asked me,
Are you alright mister,
I meekly nodded to her,
But I knew deep inside I was dying,

I again remembered that parting glance,
Faces that I would mostly never see again,
Or maybe we would meet at someone’s wedding,
I would always be praying for that second chance,

I realized money can’t bring happiness,
If one has no one to spend it with,
I looked out; the plane had taken off,
And I knew, life would never be the same again………………….


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