Bride- search!!

For an year or so in life,
I have been searching for the one,
And I have made a list of qualities,
That I want to see in my wife,

I have met many a prospective bride,
Some really good looking,
Some really decent, and comely,
And to force me to marry, my parents have tried,

But somehow I can’t generate any feeling,
In my heart, for them,
As my heart still resides with someone else,
My ex- girlfriend; to me, she’s everything,

Her face comes before my eyes,
With her I had envisaged a future,
Yet one day she disappeared,
I kept calling for her yet she ignored my helpless cries,

It is her I felt the most comfortable with,
Her presence always managed to bring out,
The mischievous child within me,
And it’s her I still dream of spending my life with,

My mind drifts to a time divine,
When we had walked on the beach, holding hands,
We were the perfect couple, everyone said,
And now I miss her badly; I wish she were still mine,

I keep dreaming of that pretty lady,
Then suddenly I am brought back to reality,
By the sound of yet another prospective bride,
Who’s sitting, smiling in front of me,

I just can’t forget the things long gone,
Three years ago, I was so sure of,
The woman I was going to marry,
Yet today the unending search for my wife is still on………………….


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