“The” love story!!

“The” symbolizes the uniqueness of the story. The narrator of this poem is a guy who knew the couple…

Once upon a time, there was a couple,
They were in love, since times immemorial,
Big dreams the duo had,
But other plans for them, fate had,

They wanted to celebrate,
Their fiftieth wedding anniversary,
On a cruise, just like their first date,
And things too, were going perfectly,

Then came one moment that changed everything,
It happened one fateful night,
Unfortunately, there was a wind wailing,
That stifled noises of their fight,

I don’t know what they were fighting about,
But I heard words like get out,
Never see me again, and go to hell,
That to the poor guy she did callously tell,

He politely obliged and left,
Never to see her again,
Few days later, a note for her he left,
That drowned her in a tsunami of pain,

With her I read the note; it said,
“My love, I am ill, critically,
Soon I would be gone, dead,
But may your life go on smoothly,

I wanted to tell you this, that day,
I wanted to spend my last days with you,
But I know we would meet someday,
In heaven or hell, coz my love is true,”

I had tears in my eyes, reading,
Life is strange; one is alone, dying,
The other is alone, penitent and grieving,
Today I realized, in the end, we lose everything………………..

p.s… Till this day, I don’t know the reason for their fight, but I daily wish they hadn’t fought, that fateful day……………!!!


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