I need you!!

Two dear friends had a bitter fight, thanks to the infamous human temper. The narrator of this poem now repents fighting with his best friend, and hopes to end the fight……….!!

I am sorry for yelling at you,
For making callous remarks at you,
I am sorry for hurting you incessantly,
But don’t leave me, for I need you, constantly,

Angels are found in heaven,
But God has sent you on earth, with a reason,
You are here to correct me,
When I am wrong, otherwise to protect me,

You are here to make me smile,
Or to walk with me, a thousand mile,
I have hurt you a lot, I know,
But I need you, please don’t go,

Let my tongue be cut,
Then my mouth will be forever shut,
That way, you won’t be treated like dirt,
By my sordid talk, u won’t get hurt,

I contemplated and I now feel, if I could,
Turn back the time, I certainly would,
I need you, so forgive me, if you may,
Coz with you, I want to spend many a day,

Please remember only the many a positive thing,
About our friendship, and I’ll be hoping,
For normalcy in our bond, it might take long,
But I know we will somehow emerge strong,

I’ll tone down my expectations, and everything,
My anger, I’ll control, even my tantrums, my mood swing,
Dear, I care about you, and my friendship is true,
I am sorry, please forgive me, for I need you………………

p.s-  Anger is the biggest sin… it’s better not to display it, coz words once said, never come back, however hard we wish they could!!!!! 


  1. its not better not to display anger....sometimes its fine to vent out ur emotions


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