My mother’s lap!!
My mind so often drifts,
To all those wonderful times,
When on my mother’s lap,
Daily I had long naps,
I peacefully slept in her arms,
Smitten by her charm,
She meant the world to me,
And she created for me, a dream world to see,
She recited a variety of tales,
About august kings and their palaces,
I would be so awed, I remember,
And I’ll plead for a story another,
But all I did was hurt her,
By crying and grumbling forever,
Whole night she then held me close,
To prevent me from being morose,
I was so mean to her,
I was nothing but a weed,
Yet she tolerated me, gave me shelter,
Her lap was heaven, indeed,
My mother’s love was unconditional,
To her, I was truly special,
Alas, I didn’t reciprocate,
And throughout her life, I made her wait,
Years passed by,
I just drifted apart from her,
She kept waiting for my love forever,
And one day, in her sleep, she died,
Now I wish I could go back,
To fulfil her dream,
To give her the love I did lack,
I now realize what a bastard I had been,
Slowly I am now being sucked deep,
Into the black hole of self-blame and grief,
Frantically, for her lap I search,
Alas, I can’t find it; I begin to weep……………………
p.s.. the poem's a work of mother's alive!!...though what i said about her "lap" and "love" is true!!..cheers!!
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