A day I’d always remember!!
Rain, at times causes trouble,
To many a commuter,
But that day, my joy grew double,
Yeah, it was a day I’d always remember,
I was travelling back home,
From college, seated in a train,
Listening to my I-pod, all alone,
I was looking out, cursing the incessant rain,
In the same compartment,
Was a girl of about twenty,
And that’s how I first met,
The epitome of beauty,
I wanted to talk to her,
But,I didn’t have the pluck,
I prayed to god, as I glanced at her,
Give me one chance, and some luck,
I saw flashes of lightning,
I heard a roar of thunder,
And I got this weird feeling,
Yeah, God had heard my prayer,
The train abruptly stopped,
She turned pale fast,
Across the compartment I walked,
Don’t worry,I said, the phase will soon be past,
She didn’t seem perturbed,
Talking to a complete stranger,
I patted my back, my charm had worked,
As I wished the moment to last forever,
I was pleased, I was happy,
This was what I wanted,
She seemed to enjoy my company,
As, for the rain to abate, we waited,
Two hours later, the train began moving,
Soon it was time to part,
As I felt a strange feeling,
A pang of sadness in my heart,
It’s been one complete year,
She’s my girlfriend today,
That was a day I’d always remember,
When at last, things had begun to go my way…………
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