Dravid: The unsung hero!!

An epitome of perseverance was he,
A man of resolve; like a wall he stood,
Weathering every belligerent storm with ease,
Every single time, without an interlude,

An epitome of ethics, an ideal sportsman was he,
He made us believe, cricket’s still a gentleman’s game,
For rarely he shouted, cursed or resorted to unfair means,
Never did we see him bring our country’s reputation to shame,

An epitome of selflessness was he,
A man who would have walked on fire for his team,
He did everything he was asked to do; and more,
He would die saving someone else’s life, it does seem,

An epitome of humility, a true altruist was he,
For never in his life was he seen flaunting his records,
Preferring instead to be a shadow, an unsung hero,
A man who served; without expecting rewards,

An epitome of loyalty was he,
Like a mother loves her child since birth,
Every step he took was in the interest of the country,
Yet who never received the praises he was worth,

A true saviour and angel was he,
For so many times he bailed us out,
Through his sheer resilience and grit,
A man of crisis truly, without a doubt,

To criticize him, we were all in the forefront,
But the man of resolve was unfazed,
He must have been hurt; his heart bruised,
Yet diligently he worked and never complained,

It is saddening that his greatness was seldom celebrated,
So often, his achievements were overshadowed,
Yet now we feel a void, finally we have learnt to value him,
The unsung hero has been granted the rightful place among the hallowed,

Many are remembered for their achievements,
Rarely is one admired for who he is,
And as we see him walking into the sunset,
We finally realize what a gem he is.........................


  1. When did you criticize him ? :/
    good analogies!

  2. i didn't criticize him... never can; never will..
    was referring to the media, ex-cricketers who did...

  3. An amazing dedication to your ideal. Your words clearly express your undying admiration towards Dravid..

  4. I bet your words made him smile wherever he is. I like the constant repetition of the words 'he was'. Kudos!


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