Friends till death!!...and even, beyond!!

[This poem describes true friendship until death plays spoilsport…the guy who is narrating this poem is dying and has been rather unfortunate in life, yet he has been a very happy-go-lucky sort of person. and now for the first time, he’s cursing his life…he has lost all his family members at a very tender age and now has just his friends to add colour to his life….VERY TOUCHING!!..thts how i can describe this poem!!]

Life can be a bit cruel at times,
People always said so, but I never cared.
Life always gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
But, in my case, just one is enough to make me weep.
It’s high time I realize a fact,
With Death, I’ve made a pact.
No more than four days I am going to live,
But, in return, to my dear friends,
Hundred years He ought to give…

It’s really unfortunate for me, that
Life hasn’t given me another chance,
To meet my lovely buddies, my companions, my friends,
Friends who shared jokes while we ate,
Friends who kept pulling my leg time and again,
Friends with whom I’ve partied,
Friends who have cured many of my problems,
Friends who at times, have even been my problem,
Friends who taught me how to live,
But, in turn, I have never had anything to give.
I do not need my friends beside me anymore,
Coz they should now learn to live without me.
I do not need their sympathy and support,
Nor do I need love from them.
I’ve given them enough trouble already,
No more pain shall I give them at this fag end of my life.
With every passing breath, I realize,
I am another inch closer to death.
With Death, I’ve made a pact.
No more than four days I am going to live,
But, in return, to my dear friends,
Hundred years He ought to give…

Lying on the creaking bed in my hospital room,
My mind drifts to happier times,
To the most memorable moments I’ve spent with them,
Playing cricket or football in the rain.
We shared the same love; the same passion,
We shared the same zeal; the same enthusiasm,
For sports, movies, and in general, life.
They helped me stand, they helped me recover,
From many setbacks and unavoidable circumstances.
But in a couple of days time,
It’s really gonna be all over.
My time has come to part,
I’ve realized deep inside my heart.
I begin to miss them; I begin to weep,
Suddenly, I feel another pang of pain,
I begin to choke; I begin to hyperventilate,
And for the first time in my life,
I begin to curse God; I begin to curse fate...............

[ He passed away three days later, but he has left behind countless memories and an ideal example of friendship….may he rest in peace!!!]


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