What would I do without you??

This poem can be dedicated to a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a friend, a partner i.e. to anyone who has ever cared about you and who you are dependent upon. This poem’s for the person who you live for; yet at the same time, you feel you have let down and hurt the person in return for his or her selfless care...

You are the one person I want to make proud,
You are the one I seek, amidst a huge crowd,
Without you, I always feel an incomplete void,
An anxiety that can vanish only with your presence,       

Yours are the loving expressions I wish to see,
Yours is the company with whom I always wish to be,
You are the one person I always want in my life,
For you are awesome; you are perfect, indeed,

What would I do without you,
I wonder; for I am so dependent on you,
You are the one whose opinion I seek at every crossroad,
And even at every small decision I am about to take,

There were times my problems didn’t seem to cease,
And yet you always sorted out my dilemma with ease,
You always seem to know what’s best for me,
A guiding angel you are, a God’s given gift, indeed,

Yours is the hand that wipes off my tears,
Yours is the voice that makes me let go of my fears,
Yours is the mind that always seems to understand,
All my frustrations, all what I am going through,

You helped me recover when I was torn and tattered,
You nursed me when I was bruised and battered,
You have made me fathom the depth of true feelings,
You have made me realize the meaning of love and care,

So effortlessly, you have loved me despite my imperfections,
So easily, you have borne my countless frustrations,
You have been there for me through thick and thin,
And today I regret I never did reciprocate the same,

I remember the moments when I hurt you immense,
When I tried destroying the very essence,
Of our bond, by betraying you, by perpetually breaking your trust,
Yet you forgave me each time, with the hope that someday I’ll mature,

I am sorry for all the times I let you down,
I am sorry for all the times I brought a frown,
To your face, through my disgraceful actions,
Though I know even a thousand apologies won’t suffice for my past sins,

But tonight I promise I’d be with you till my days end,
I would selflessly care for you till my days end,
Tonight I thank you for being my angel, my saviour,
You are a God’s given gift; tailor-made for me, indeed..................


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