There’s just no reason to cry!!

The Indian society claims to be modern yet when it comes to marriage issues, parents want their children to marry someone of their language/caste/religion… My poem describes one such guy who is frustrated with his parents/ narrow-minded society… at the same time, he is telling his girlfriend that everything will be all right....There’s no need to worry, there’s just no reason to cry!!

p.s...the pic symbolizes fights, hatred, narrow-mindedness....also depicting that all kinds of misunderstandings and war lead to spread love..learn to compromise at times too!!

I just don’t give a damn,
About what my folks think,
About this relationship,
I just don’t bother,
About whether they agree or not,
To our bonding,
I just don’t listen,
When they discourage me,
Or when they try to dissuade me,
From marrying you,

I just don’t care,
About their criticism,
About their narrow-minded mannerism,
But things will improve soon,
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry.

We are not going to falter,
To their nonsensical crap
We are made for each other,
And we shall always be together,
There’s no need to fret,
All our dues we’ll eventually get,
Our relation is going to stay strong,
It’s going to last very long,
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry.

My folks are just being selfish,
But eventually they’ll give in,
And our true love shall win,
Love has no barrier,
Love has no constraints,
Love is just a meeting,
Of two bodies, of two minds,
My folks will realize this soon
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry.

My family’s nice, really very sweet,
Perhaps a bit obsolete at times,
It’s not their fault,
It’s the society’s fault,
It makes us narrow-minded,
It prevents us from being rational,
It prevents us from being practical,
We live in the twenty-first century,
Yet caste or religion barriers,
Still prevail in this country,
When shall we grow,
When shall we evolve,
My family’s just a victim,
To the norms of our obsolete society,
But all such thoughts will banish,
All the animosities will eventually vanish,
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry.

My folks would be truly delighted,
To have you as my bride,
They’ll be elated,
To see you by my side,
Things will eventually sort out,
It will take some time,
But all their prejudiced thoughts will banish,
All the animosities will eventually vanish,
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry.

My love, everything will be all right,
We’ll together fight the society,
With all our might,
Eventually, our love will win,
I am sure of it,
I am confident about it,
There’s no reason to worry,
There’s just no reason to cry………

Now, it’s for you to decide whether to live in the past or make new norms in this new-age society!!!


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