My life was full of moments truly magic,
That eventually became nothing but tragic.
No drug can ever ease this pain,
As all my happiness flows down the drain.
I feel, i've been kept in a mighty cage,
And I am already boiling with rage.
I am totally bugged, I say,
Show me a glimmer of hope , a ray,
There must surely be a way,
Please show me that way.......

My life is full of dullness and boredom,
And I keep longing for more freedom.
I need a few months of vacations,
But all I get is a list of submissions.
My life is full of turmoil,
As I see my plans always foil.
People start consoling me on the phone,
And I shout, Leave me alone!
I am totally bugged, I say,
Show me a glimmer of hope, a ray,
There must surely be a way,
Please show me that way.....

Just then appeared in my room,
An angel so kind,
I completely forgot my problems,
Encircling my mind.
At first sight, he looked so weird,
An old sage with no moustache but a beard.
He used all his wisdom and intelligence,
As I felt truly blessed by his presence.....

He told me to be happy and to smile,
Things would eventually work out,
It would take a while.
He told me, Listen to music,
LIsten to your heart and soul,
it'll make you feel indeed, energetic.
Things will be better, he assured,
At that moment, I felt cured.

So thats the way, the solution,
To keep my life rocking,and in motion.
For a moment, I closed my eyes,
But he just disappeared,
Without even saying Goodbyes.
At first sight, he had looked so weird,
An old sage with no moustache but a beard.......

I am no more bugged, I say,
Life's back on track, full of moments magic,
And I am happy, very ecstatic.
I have seen a glimmer of hope, a ray,
There's always a way,
And thanks to him, I've seen that way.....

I have seen a glimmer of hope, a ray,
There's always a way,
And thanks to him, i've seen that way.......


  1. hi, this poem's really special to me!...coz unlike my other poems which i have written just for the sake of writing, i have written this one for a dear friend of mine....


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