A remorseful friend!!

You always felt I didn’t give you,
The importance which you truly deserved,
I made you feel I didn’t care about you,
Coz throughout, I kept giving preference to others,

Dear, I cared for you more than I ever did show,
I prayed for your success; daily I wished for your happiness,
But all that, how will you ever know,
For my actions never matched my feelings,

I taunted you, I teased you with many a harsh comment,
Without realizing how much it must have hurt you,
Yet you never said a word in return nor did you lament,
And bore my harsh words for the sake of our friendship,

I don’t know whether I even have the right,
To apologize to you, for my mistakes,
I wish I could meet you and hug you tight,
And make up for all what I did to you back then,

I wish I could tell you that I am grateful to you,
For being a true friend in a phase when I had nobody,
I wish you would understand how much I value,
The times we spent chatting, the joyous moments,

I am proud of you for travelling beyond seven seas,
For fulfilling your ambitions; making your parents proud,
I want you to make a lot of splendid memories,
But I do hope, a part of you will miss me there,

I thank you for being so caring and kind,
And the smiles you gave; the tears you wiped,
This nostalgic feeling would be etched in my mind,
Permanently, till I die and even beyond.............


  1. its noteworthy to see how beautifully and effortlessly you express every emotion...
    yet another nice work...
    always a treat to read ur poems :)


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