The parting note!!

I still can’t believe it’s time to part,
Albeit for a few months or years,
I always thought there will be a just a tinge of pain,
Never had I thought it would bring unstoppable tears,

As I scan my life, backwards,
Remembering countless moments of joy and sorrow,
I see a constant figure in all those moments; that’s you,
And sadly, that won’t be the case from tomorrow,

Our schedules would be so hectic,
That I won’t get time to talk with you,
Our lives would be so stressful,
That i won’t get to know what’s happening with you,

I am just going to be a faraway spectator,
In your life, as you climb the ladders of success,
I am going to end up as some friend from your past,
Who won’t have a share henceforth in your happiness,

I hope I am being cynical; I hope these are baseless fears,
I hope my importance in your life won’t go away,
I hope our bond is stronger than what I am imagining,
And I hope the moments spent with me won’t fade away,

Is there any place as such,
That will remind you of times spent with me,
Is there anything at all, I wish to ask,
That will make you think of me,

Even if you meet better people,
I pray that you will never forget me,
Even if you find sweeter friends,
I hope a small place in your heart; you’ll leave for me,

I may be going away for now,
But I don’t want to go away permanently from your life,
I hope occasionally you will keep me updated,
About various events that go on in your life,

There are still a few hours before I leave,
And I am happy I am spending them with you,
Building memories, that will help me,
Smile, when I am far away from you,

Thank you for all the amazing memories,
Thank you also for my lovely gift,
We may be parting for now,
But I hope that emotionally we shall never go adrift......


  1. good attempt..could have been more positive..u can be better

  2. i guess this poem needs review if its based on a real life experience..
    if its fictional,i think it is a lesson that never trust time.. it changes every moment


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