The pursuit of happiness!!
I see a picture from my childhood,
I am smiling, I look happy,
Then I look into the mirror instinctively,
And it dawned upon me; everything I understood,
My eyes looked red and puffy,
My face has lost its glow,
My smooth, flawless skin too, did go,
And it happened ‘coz I stopped being happy,
There was a time in the glorious past,
When I could giggle for many an hour,
When my heart was free, gliding afar,
And it makes me wonder, why didn’t it last,
My priorities changed, I entrenched myself into work,
I ignored my supportive family, my adorable friends,
Now I am alone, it’s too late to make amends,
I don’t have a life anymore, what I had has gone berserk,
I am in a perpetual state of melancholy and sadness,
To the blissful days, i want to turn back the clock,
Within me, I badly wish to lock,
That desirable, yet evanescent feeling of true happiness………
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