It feels sad to go!!
( I saw the movie "A walk to remember" in the morning...and that inspired me to write this poem...)
It feels sad to go,
I want to forever gaze into your eyes,
But I don’t have a choice,
God doesn’t want our love to grow,
I had said I’ll be with you,
Unto my death,
Till my last breath,
I didn’t know the days would be so few,
The five years we spent,
They were truly wonderful,
I remember every moment,
And now they make me tearful,
Watching me go, you are upset,
And I know you are angry with fate,
But honey, that’s how life is,
Your joy shouldn’t ever cease,
It feels sad to go,
But life moves on, you have to try,
Of all your sorrow, please let go,
And promise me you’ll find some other guy,
I want you to forget the pain,
As quickly as you can,
I know it’s difficult, I realize,
But baby, you have no choice,
It does feel sad to go,
But I want you to know,
I’ll be right here,
Looking after you from above, forever………
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