Little Miss Forgetful!!

Women have this strange habit of exaggerating and over-reacting to small things...the poem is a classic example of that..Is this what we call Paranoia??

Please note, my poem DOES NOT deal with amnesia, Alzheimer's or any medical aspect...i am not a doctor and neither have i done research to write a poem based on that..Mine is just about day-to-day forgetfulness and the fear of amnesia in the mind of a girl in her early twenties...!!!

I was clumsy right since school,
But never was I forgetful,
I don’t know when it all began,
But I curse myself coz it all began,

My friends’ birthdays and number,
That used to be on my fingertips,
Now I barely can remember,
And the thought of amnesia gives me creeps,

Sometimes I don’t recognize a face,
Sometimes I don’t recollect an event or place,
My memory’s diminishing with passing time,
As this sends chills down my spine,

Everyone calls me “Little Miss Forgetful”,
Hearing it daily is so painful,
Someone please show me a way,
A glimmer of hope, a ray,

My forgetfulness is haunting me,
My life is taunting me,
Relieve me of this anxiety and pain,
Before my memory completely goes down the drain,

I have seen movies on the dreaded topic,
And that scares me even more,
It makes me awfully sick,
Could this get worse any more,

Am I getting paranoid,or,
Is my greatest fear gonna come true,
Is this a common phenomenon, or,
Am I one of the unlucky few,

You might think I am over-reacting,
You might call me an idiot or a fool,
But save me,someone,I am incessantly wishing,
Please relieve me from the title of “ Little Miss Forgetful”……


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