The Ice-Cream parlour!

The ice-cream parlour!

I was sitting alone in an ice-cream parlour nearby,
When ,twenty minutes late, my date sat by,
I had known her since school,
She talked with only those who were really cool,
And not with nerds or ugly, idiotic fools..
But I still liked.her, trusted her.
But no matter how hard to woo her , I tried,
She hardly cared about my sentiments , and i cried.
As that scar of refusal remained forever in my mind....

Now, she realises she was wrong,
Ten years later, but for the better.
Few days back,said she always liked,
My boyish looks and the way I innocently smiled.
She gazed at me and proposed,
As i was completely shocked and stunned.
I thought, has she gone mad,
Innumerable times that she had ,
Always shown me the door,and made me crestfallen and sad....

In the parlour , as again we met,
I forgot everything about her being late. I even forgot the past, as I wished the date to forever last.
I wanted this date to be special,
And I had already done a facial. After almost an hour of talking, We felt, yes, the time has finally come.
We bent a little closer,
I wanted this moment to be longer.
Our lips finally entangled,
As her hair I fondled,
This was my first kiss,
A moment of pure bliss,
That too on a hot day in May,
When, under the soaring sky,
people perspire the whole day,
On a hot day in May........


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