FIRST DAY IN JUNIOR COLLEGE !! [ i had written it three years ago and i was very immature then...] The day I passed out of school, All I needed was to look cool. I didn't know what to do, coz there was no school bus to pick me from home. I had a dilemna, what to wear, Or how the boring profs i would bear.. About the college, I had heard lots, It was nothing but rots. I had no idea what is meant by "punk", But i was damn sure, the first lecture I was gonna bunk.. As through the college gate I merrily hopped, I thought, the girl beside me truly rocked. As I kept looking at her sensuous lips, I thought, Hey, she looked hotter than Bips. Thats when she came over to me and said, You look very cute,and i blushed. Lets sit together for the lecture, I suggested, and she readily agreed. With this pretty girl, as I chatted, My fellow students choked and gasped. Throughout the class we had loads of fun, As I kept hoping she wasn't planning to become a nun. The lecture ended, so did my day, A wry smile came across my face, Thank goodness! the lecture i hadn't bunked, Which makes me emphatically say, Oh, What a day! What a day!... [now tell me, Was it a dream or was it an exciting reality?!] |
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