These are the few things that sap my energy,
These are the ones I call fucking little allergy.
Be it chana, or fenugreek or peas,
Or some greens, across the seas.
Why do I have to carry food made by my mummy,
Why can't I feed the roadside crap to my tummy?

A day, very fine,I decided I've had enough,
Got to make myself strong and tough.
No allergy shall ever affect me,
Strong and healthy I shall always be.
Went out, ordered a vada-pav,
Ate it, as it dropped of my jaw.
My breath stopped ,as blurred images i saw.
My hands itched, and
my head turned.
My lungs burned,and
my stomach churned.
My heart started fuming, and
i was like hell, perspiring.
As I gasped for breath,
I realised,
I had seen the God of Death.
That dreadful bastard.
I'll fight You one day,
Like any brave stud..

Why the hell did you make me allergic,
to foodstuffs that make people ecstatic.
Why am I always so full of grief,
please explain it to me in brief.
I went to many a allergic specialist,
seldom did they have knowledge about it.
I received plenty of sympathy,
but no cure for this pain and agony.
Why is it that all this is happening,
countless times I have been left wondering.
Parties I have in the past, missed ; In the most exotic of locations,
countless swears I must have hissed; As I sit,controlling my emotions.

The few monsters have now grown bigger,
My allergy keeps expanding,
As my health keeps deteriorating.
God, please protect me from the jaws of these,
Whom i call fucking little allergies.

These are the few things that sap my energy,
These are the ones I call fucking little allergy.
I wanna break free from this dark wizard,
And not remain tied to this unique hazard.
God, save me from the clutches of these,
Whom i FONDLY call, fucking little allergies.

Whom i FONDLY call, fucking little allergies.....

[i apologise for writing the word fucking and bastard in the post....but it's only to express my irritation and anger]


  1. well, i used to think that i am the unluckiest one amongst my friends to have to suffer so many restrictions on food....

    until my five year old cousin was found to be allergic to chicken and groundnuts....

    i couldn't have lived without chicken, i swear...

    this poem is dedicated to all the people in this world suffering from allergies....hats off to them coz it's not easy at all...i am saying with experience....

  2. God gives pain only to those who can endure it.. you are the chosen one..God gave you pain because you are strong and can face it with courage and grace..
    you are a true rockstar..
    i am sure your loved ones will be proud of you


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