Living a life of purpose

 (First written in October 2019)

Reflections in flight:

I think I have reached a stage now where I don't need any more money. What I have is more than enough to live a content life of luxury. 

Anything more is just wants and desires and which will be never ending. I don't want to fall into a typical trap where people have money and still say they don't. 

Money is important, I agree and I value that but I don't want to run after money. 

Life should be about finding a purpose - and doing things that make us happy. If while seeking excellence and happiness if we find money that's great. But we shouldn't make "becoming rich" the sole purpose. Because richness is relative. 

I consider myself richer if I have a loving family, a caring partner, time to spend relaxing and so on. If we reduce needs what we have also will seem enough else we will never be happy in life & will always be chasing something or the other.

Take a moment pause to reflect when was the last time you spent a day without feeling stressed about the future; when was the last time you admired a sunset for what it is. 

I can't remember when I enjoyed the little moments in life. Let's not treat life as a series of milestones and gaming levels to cross and highest scores to beat; let's just give our best in everything that we do while enjoying and being thankful for what we have, and you will reach your destination - happier and energized...


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