Sentimental Musings!!

Goodbyes are never easy, never done happily,
And the hope of reunion makes them bearable,
But the thought of not seeing you almost daily,
It makes me realize; I’ll miss you a lot,

In just a few months, you managed to touch my heart,
So easily could I share my deepest inhibitions with you,
And as the time comes for us to part,
Our long, random conversations keep running in my head,

I feel lucky to have you as my close friend,
Someone I could count on, in times of need,
One I know, will be there, till the end,
A person who is both my mirror and an inspiration,

In the months gone by, we had really awesome moments,
You were responsible for much of my smile,
Your immature, yet innocently cute arguments,
I’ll remember always, for they give me joy and solace,

You are one of the sweetest people I met here,
I admire your caring and trustworthy nature a lot,
That’s what makes you so awesome dear,
And I’ll miss your optimistic words and sweet consolations,

I am thankful you consider me a good friend,
Someone you share both mundane and personal things with,
And I hope, so far, I have been a reliable friend,
When you needed advice or just a comforting arm,

Yes, on some occasions I scolded you without a reason,
There were times I didn't meet your expectations,
Or when I used harsh words in anger or frustration,
But grateful I am, none of it hampered our friendship,

I don’t know when next you shall meet me,
But one thing,  I do know for sure,
You would always keep updating me,
About the smallest of happenings in your life................


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