Until I met you!!

Some voids take long to be filled,
She had gone away, leaving dreams unfulfilled,
Aimless my life became; listless I wandered,
I immersed myself in work, but deep down, I felt lonely,

Life kept taunting me, those weren't my days,
But I patiently waited for my fate to change,
I waited, for an untarnished bond, for a pure soul,
And a few months back it finally ended,

I was grappling with depression, yet no one did know,
For on my face, the hurt and pain, I never did show,
My smile was a facade, my jokes a mask,
But within, I was sad, I was frustrated, I was angry,

Soon that changed, after the first few times we met,
For I knew, in you a close confidante I had found,
A friend, so caring, supportive and sweet,
And soon I was drawn towards your protective shelter,

It felt so easy to share my inhibitions with you,
You patiently listened to me; I felt comforted too,
Finally I had got a bond, pure and unadulterated,
Something which I thought happened, only in fairy-tales,

Outsiders wrongly feel I am in love with you,
But I do know there are bonds purer,
Relations that go beyond the realm of friendship and love,
Ours is one - ideal, surreal and perfect,

I care for you, from the bottom of my heart,
And I want you to trust, till the day we part,
That I will never let you shed a tear,
That I will be there, anytime, anywhere, anyhow you wish,

My life was incomplete, until I met you,
You filled my voids; you gave me a life anew,
You are the sole reason for my smile and renewed spirit,
I need you till eternity; coz it’s just not life, without you...............


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