Confessions of a heartbroken kid!!

You made me happy, you made me dream,
You made me fall in love again,
And so easily, I believed it will last this time,
But life and fate tortured me, yet again,

An exquisitely beautiful world you showed me,
Your care and affection was unparalleled,
And so effortlessly, I felt like we were meant to be,
My dreams were going to come true, I believed,

Then one fine day, it all changed; you left me stranded,
Groping in the dark, tears in my eyes,
You hurt me in the present, for the sake of your past,
And everything was a big fat lie, you made me realize,

I was distraught, I was shattered,
Never had I felt so lonely before,
Sleep eluded me, hunger left me,
And tears couldn’t stop as my life hit the floor,

I always thought I was special,
Maybe I am; but not in the way I thought,
Maybe I misinterpreted your care and words,
Maybe I dreamt too much, maybe too much I sought,

It was my mistake to think about the future,
Of a home, as lovely as we planned,
Or the small daily priceless moments of joy,
Or those legendary celebrations, a life better than we planned,

In times of solitude, to God I kept asking,
What was my mistake, what went wrong,
Why am I so incapable of being loved,
And for his wisdom, his answers I waited long,

Finally, a few days back, he sent me an angel,
And said she’ll look after you,
She will make sure you start smiling again,
She will ensure you never suffer in life; I assure you,

Under her aegis, in no time, I moved on,
And life became worth living again,
We often give too much importance to one person,
 In retrospection, I wonder, was it worth the pain,

I realized one thing; however pompous it may sound,
If someone loses me; it’s their loss,
For no one can selflessly care as much as I do,
And thus, I permanently kicked my predicament across,

In life, you may suffer much heartburn,
But fate always gives another opportunity,
To smile, to dance; to leap, to rejoice,
That my friends, is the beauty of destiny..................


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