I wish!! I wish I could be in his place, And see the same joy on your face, The glow you have in his presence, That, when you are with me, I can never sense, I wish someday you would utter, My name with love, as if it were, Your charming prince you were calling, But this is all so futile dreaming, I daily wish you would let him go, Coz we’d be the best couple, I know, With you, I wish I could spend a whole day, As my smile will then never fade away, I wish of a kiss at midnight, On new years’ eve, amidst celebration bright, A moment that will be truly special, Something we would cherish till time eternal, I wish you would come with me, On long rides, as we shall see, Places adventurous and exotic, Desolate and truly romantic, I realize, with him your heart does belong, But it is you I’d always long, In this birth, I may not be the chosen one, But you’d always be my perf...