V.J.T.I !!

V.J.T.I !!
All the students at VJTI would definitely be able to relate with the sentiments expressed here!!
About V.J.T.I, I had heard lots,
Like others, I too came here,
With my profound dreams,
With countless expectations,
With magnum thoughts,
And with unfathomable ambitions,
I arrived the very first day,
Half an hour early, I remember,
I felt some strange connection,
Some inexplicable emotion,
The happiness showed on my face,
I knew, this is a "heavenly place"!!
It’s been more than two years since that day,
And it still feels like yesterday,
It’s been an amazing journey,
I look down the memory lane,
In another year, it’ll be all over,
The thought gives me immense pain,
As I write this, in college I am roaming around,
Reliving all past events, the magical moments,
I remember eating during the lecture hours,
Or sitting in the quad for hours,
Bunking lectures and pracs at will,
Or intense Xeroxing when it’s time for the kill,
As I write this, I am roaming around,
Reliving past events, the magical moments,
I remember gearing up to work for fests,
To help in making them a rocking success,
I remember working incessantly for hours,
To give shape to my sky-scraping desires,
Of course, there were glitches along the way,
The submissions and assignments,
Always gave me unwarranted stress,
I remember cribbing in distress,
Or begging for someone’s assignments,
To complete, on the penultimate day,
So many new people I’ve met,
So many unforgettable moments I’ve spent,
Post V.J.T.I, life would leave a void,
That just can’t be filled,
One thing’s for sure,
V.J.T.I, my soul shall always reside here……
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