The festival of colours!!

The festival of colours,
I feel, it has lost its flavour,
I can sense,
It has lost its true essence.
Holi is now being vandalized,
Just in the name of celebration and fun,
It’s a pity to see this,
It’s a shame to bear this.

The festival was celebrated in the past,
To promote social harmony,
To bring people together,
It didn’t matter whether,
You were a Dalit or a Hindu or a Muslim,
What mattered were the feelings,
Of brotherhood, of fraternity,
Of national integration, of unity

But today I am completely shocked,
At the way Holi is celebrated,
Stones disguised as water balloons,
They are being pelted at,
Travelers on road and in trains,
With just one sole intention,
To hurt people, to cripple them,
To handicap them, to kill them

It’s disheartening to hear of instances,
Of people losing an eye or a limb,
People are now scared of traveling in trains on Holi,
Just because of such anti-social elements.
Holi is now being vandalized,
Just in the name of celebration and fun,
It’s a pity to see this,
It’s a shame to bear this.

I am completely shattered,
As I read about instances,
Of women complaining,
Or eve-teasing and sexual abusing,
Especially on this festive occasion,
It has completely torn me apart,
And I feel so ashamed,
Of calling this festival as auspicious,

Is this the festival of colours,
That it was originally supposed to be,
Are we celebrating it in its true form,
I ask everyone,
I seek answers from each one,
But alas, people are in no mood to change,
They even lack the desire to change,
And that’s what bothers me even more

Holi is now being vandalized,
Just in the name of celebration and fun,
It’s a pity to see this,
It’s a shame to bear this,
I can stand it no more,
I can bear it no more,
I wish the people will realize their mistake soon,
I wish the people would change soon…….

So people, celebrate holi in such a way that you do not hurt anyone physically or mentally…Happy holi to all!!


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