Move on!! Losing you was such a nightmare, This loss I just can’t bear, Why did I let this wretched thing happen, Just at a time when our love was beginning to blossom, Without you, life has lost its meaning, This pain of solitude, Of an interminable magnitude, It’s truly excruciating, You were so loving, you were so caring, With you by my side, I wanted nothing else, I desired nothing else, Just I wanted your arms in mine, We had so much fun together, All those happy memories I still remember, How can it get over, So suddenly, I wonder. Now I feel so lonely, so forlorn, so alone, I cry, I whimper, I moan, I groan, This pain of parting is so unbearable, My grief now is truly inconsolable, Alas, life doesn’t give you another opportunity, I soon have to regain my sanity, I have to move on, The past is now gone, I have to look ahead, Where there awaits a paradise on the roads I tread, It had to get over one day, it did, There’s nothing to wonder, nothing to ponder, I have to move on, The ...