Just one moment!!

(the clock signifies a moment...)

It takes just one moment,
For all your hopes to get shattered,
It takes just one moment,
For all your dreams to get buried,
It takes just one moment,
For you to fall in love,
It takes just one moment,
For your love to drift away,
Strolling on the beach,
With some other guy,

She's gone out of your reach,
Smiling in his arms,
Wishing it would last for life.
As you feel helpless, you cry,
And even while being physically alive,

You die.

Till yesterday, I always felt,
I had a serious chance.
When we were talking the other day,
I felt mesmerized by her,
And even she appeared,
To be in some kind of a trance
But she thought of me only as a friend dear,
And never as some lover
I always wanted to ask her out,
She might have refused, no doubt,
But at least, I had a chance,
But now as I see her in his arms,
I feel jealous of him,
I curse myself,
Why didn’t I tell her,
Why didn’t I ask her,
Why didn’t I confess my love,

But now my feeling,
It has no importance,
It has no meaning.

Soon, she won’t have time,
For a once-upon-a-time friend like me,
Now I’ll be all alone and lonely.
My heart and my mind are still shocked,
I feel I am constantly looking,
Into the vastness of an empty ocean,
I am completely blanked out,
This pain will take a long time to heal,
About this, I haven’t the faintest doubt.

It takes just one moment,
For your desires to be burnt,
It takes just one moment,
For your breathing to stop,
It takes just one moment,
For your heart to cry,
It takes just one moment,
For you to ask “why”,
It takes just one moment,
For you to start cursing your fate,
It takes just one moment,
For your love to drift away,
Strolling on the beach,

With some other guy,

She's gone out of your reach.
Smiling in his arms,
Wishing it would last for life.
As you feel helpless, you cry,
And even while being physically alive,

You die………

It takes just one moment for everything.......so make every moment count!!!!!!!!!!!!!....fall in love, and do not be afraid to confess it....or it may just be a moment too late..


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