The poem describes all the principles that a mother wants her child to follow and the promises that she wants her child to keep
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Promise you will never follow the path of violence,
And will you always maintain dignity and silence
Whenever others entice you to fight,
Promise me you will never showcase your might.
Promise you will always complete your tasks on time,
Coz a stitch in time saves nine
Promise you will always be regular and methodical,
And never will you do anything shameful and disgraceful
Promise that you will always be ready,
To help the poor and the needy,
And never will you be selfish or greedy.
Promise you will treat everyone as equal,
And never will you hurt a human or animal
Promise me you will never accept things from a stranger,
And promise me you’ll stick on to my words forever.
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Promise that you will always be a good guy,
And never will you swear or utter a lie
Promise that always you will keep aiming for the pinnacle,
And never will you be disheartened by debacle
Promise your love for anything or anybody will be selfless,
And never with your words or actions,
Will you cause anyone distress
Promise me that you will have immense patriotism,
And never will you resort to any kind of fanaticism.
Promise me you’ll never hurt anyone’s feeling,
And to my words will you forever cling
Promise you’ll keep all the promises,
Promise you’ll cling to my advices.
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Hope, after reading this, you will start keeping promises...
The poem describes all the principles that a mother wants her child to follow and the promises that she wants her child to keep
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Promise you will never follow the path of violence,
And will you always maintain dignity and silence
Whenever others entice you to fight,
Promise me you will never showcase your might.
Promise you will always complete your tasks on time,
Coz a stitch in time saves nine
Promise you will always be regular and methodical,
And never will you do anything shameful and disgraceful
Promise that you will always be ready,
To help the poor and the needy,
And never will you be selfish or greedy.
Promise you will treat everyone as equal,
And never will you hurt a human or animal
Promise me you will never accept things from a stranger,
And promise me you’ll stick on to my words forever.
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Promise that you will always be a good guy,
And never will you swear or utter a lie
Promise that always you will keep aiming for the pinnacle,
And never will you be disheartened by debacle
Promise your love for anything or anybody will be selfless,
And never with your words or actions,
Will you cause anyone distress
Promise me that you will have immense patriotism,
And never will you resort to any kind of fanaticism.
Promise me you’ll never hurt anyone’s feeling,
And to my words will you forever cling
Promise you’ll keep all the promises,
Promise you’ll cling to my advices.
Right from childhood,
You are given,
Just one advice
Come what may,
Never break any damn promise.
But you keep repeating the same mistakes,
Time and again,
As your mother’s words go in vain,
Yet again
Hope, after reading this, you will start keeping promises...
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