Poison!! The poem describes the hazards of smoking, drinking and even doping...in an unique way.....(hey, i deserve an award from the health ministry for this conribution to their no smoking/no drinking campaign) I never seem to understand why people smoke, It's a poison that ruins a fine, young bloke. Why do i see people dope, They say, their life's a waste; There's no hope for survival, But by doping, would there be a revival. Why do i see people drowned, In the vast oceans of alcohol, Why is it that that they can't stand a fall, When will they end it all..... I never seem to understand, Why is it, that the countless pressures that they can't withstand. Why are they in so much of distress, Why do they need a cigarette to relieve this stress. Some think, drinking or doping is cool, When will they realize they are nothing but a fool. Why do people drink to forget their sorrow, Why can't they just work harder for a better tomorrow. Why is it that people can't...