BUGGED!!! My life was full of moments truly magic, That eventually became nothing but tragic. No drug can ever ease this pain, As all my happiness flows down the drain. I feel, i've been kept in a mighty cage, And I am already boiling with rage. I am totally bugged, I say, Show me a glimmer of hope , a ray, There must surely be a way, Please show me that way....... My life is full of dullness and boredom, And I keep longing for more freedom. I need a few months of vacations, But all I get is a list of submissions. My life is full of turmoil, As I see my plans always foil. People start consoling me on the phone, And I shout, Leave me alone! I am totally bugged, I say, Show me a glimmer of hope, a ray, There must surely be a way, Please show me that way..... Just then appeared in my room, An angel so kind, I completely forgot my problems, Encircling my mind. At first sight, he looked so weird, An old sage with no moustache but a beard. He used all his wisdom and intelligence, As I fe...