One last time!!! Ours was a bond, pure and unadulterated, It felt so effortlessly perfect, being with you, Feeling comforted as you gave me a life anew, And jumping with joy that fate was kind, Times changed; how could we drift apart, After all the highs and lows we did witness, Emerging stronger and wiser, in the process, And feeling grateful we withstood the storm, It’s tough to see you go away, After all the years we have been together, Sweet memories I fondly remember, And in your perpetual longing, I live each day, As I look back at our memories, I recall, It felt magical seeing you first thing in the morning, Hearing those sweet whispers, just before sleeping, And feeling lucky every moment, for having you, Now I wonder, is there a way I can hold you close, If not for eternity, perhaps for one last time, Feeling the scent of your skin, one final time, And losing myself completely, in your embrace, I miss the pas...