Love has no end!! He lay comatose, his death imminent, Blurred senses, dysfunctional organs, tissues irrelevant, Weary and pale he looked physically, But never had I seen him happier, emotionally, His face had the glow of a bride, And his eyes, with its greenish tinge, tried, To articulate his thoughts to the person sitting beside, Resting her head on his chest, feeling mortified, Theirs was a powerfully moving love story, Like the ones narrated in novels and many a movie, And after many hardships, discomfort and pain, Their togetherness had given them a reason to smile again, For thirty-seven years, they had been with each other, Childless, penniless, but content with what life did offer, A genteel soul was he, honest and selflessly caring, And she complemented him perfectly, her support, unwavering, And as he lay comatose, his death imminent, She's pleading to God, her prayers persistent, Only a miracle could save him now, Doctors had repeated, But her...