Sometimes!! A poem depicting the grim side of the work-life imbalance Sometimes I don’t have time for you, When other important issues encircle my head, Dilemma my mind faces in such situations, Sad my heart feels, but it all goes unsaid, Sometimes I am not there to help you out, To bring a smile on your face, to wipe your tear, Helpless I feel, yet I selfishly expect you to understand, Unconditionally, and every single time you adhere, It’s been ages since we have gone on a vacation, Long time since we have carved memories together, I am fortunate we haven’t distanced away, Lucky we don’t fight despite not spending time together, You are the most matured partner I could have asked for, Who understands my every emotion, every action, To whom I never need to explain even once, Who stands by me, like a shadow, in my frustration, Sometimes I feel I am letting you down, By not giving our bond the sacrosanct position, Yet your reassuri...