If Only !! If only I could express what you mean to me, If only I could tell you how special you are, I wish I could fearlessly declare that I love you, And hopefully, take our friendship to the next level, I never thought I would fall for you, I never thought I would be intoxicated by your charm, Or crave for your company every single moment, And dream of creating worlds with you, Every time I see you smile; the world ceases to exist, Every time I hear your voice; I become deaf to other sounds, Every time I sleep; I am transported to a magical world, A world where you are just mine, a happy place, My heart chants your name in every single beat, My soul remembers you in every single breath, My mind thinks of you in every single thought, And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, If only expressing my feelings wouldn’t complicate our bond, If only there wasn’t a deep-rooted fear of rejection, Or see you distance away as a conse...