Let us have a baby!! In the park, a child in a pram was giggling, The kids nearby were leaping and frolicking, I exchanged glances with my wife, And said, let’s add colour to our life, So honey, let us have a baby, My words must have made her happy, Coz she suddenly hugged me tightly, And with joy, her eyes shone brightly, My mind was filled with apprehensions, It had innumerable inhibitions, I knew my wife would be a perfect mother, But that moment, I wondered, would I be a good father, Countless thoughts flew in my head, So casually about having a baby I had said, Yet my mind was confused truly, I knew the future would be hectic, undoubtedly, The pregnancy period is tough, I know, And during labour the pain that she will have to undergo, I got scared merely visualizing, Should I have not uttered those words, I began thinking, For a moment, I closed my eyes, I saw my newborn child’s face; my life would be paradise, He was smiling, he wanted me to hol...