Spurned!! I had a smile all these years, But one day it turned, Into inconsolable tears, As my love you outright spurned, I sometimes wish we hadn’t met, I wouldn’t have dreamt of you then, That would have been so great, I wouldn’t have fallen in love then, But then how could have I known, What an amazing person you are, I remember our talks on the phone, I never thought you were somewhere far, Some say I should be angry, Coz my love you outright spurned, For the pain you gave me, My back to you, I should have turned, To them I wish to say, I don’t want free advice, I am not going to give up her friendship anyway, So don’t you dare entice, Love may get spurned, Life’s isn’t complete without rejection, But we shouldn’t lie burned, In the volcano of depression, Instead we should take it positively, As a learning curve, and move on, It’ll take time, it’ll happen slowly, Someday the pain will be gone, Now I can proudly say, one year la...