A migratory bird!! I had feelings towards, Only one woman so far, But she was one of the migratory birds, Who disappeared into the limitless sky afar, I wanted to tell her a lot, I needed just one chance, She was the only one I sought, And I wanted to ask her out for the prom dance, Two days before the prom celebration, In school, I kept searching for her, I badly wanted to seek her attention, But I just couldn’t find her, The next morning I woke, And heard the news of a major, local, accident, Of it, even my neighbours spoke, But I didn’t bother, to school I went, I reached school; there was silence all around, I wondered, where are the others, I saw a few crowded on the ground, And there I saw, the torn and tattered body of hers, I began crying profusely, How can she die so young, I wanted to commit suicide really, As I heard her favourite song being sung, I realized, we are mere birds migratory, About the future no one can tell, My love is re...