The break-up!! I never quite imagined, Even this could ever happen, As my world came crashing down, All of a sudden, It was going on so smoothly, And it all changed so abruptly, Now without you around, My spirit is surely getting dampened by the hour, I know I have been a nincompoop, As you so often rightly said, But why did you leave me, I am already feeling half-dead, I admit I have been intransigent, As you so often mentioned, But I feel, you should have been a bit patient, For you, I would have readily changed, We had a great time together, This I could always sense, I love you, I need you, I miss you, And now I am feeling lonely immense, Life’s indeed a roller-coaster ride, It’s a see-saw of pleasure and pain, A blend of high and low tide, Sometimes we lose, sometimes we gain, How will I get over this unexpected break-up, I wonder, How will I re-emerge from this, Unscathed, I wonder, I am contemplating over the countless causes, That led to this major setback, I am seeking divine ...