Why don't I??!! Why am I always, So friendly and kind, Why don’t I give someone, A piece of their mind, Why am I always, Calm, quiet and nice, Why don’t I bash someone, When they entice, Why do I always, Endure pain and criticism, Why don’t I quieten someone, And permanently stop their cynicism Why don’t I speak up, Against things I hate, Why do I always, Smile and patiently wait, Why do I always say, Forget it, I’ll endure, Why don’t I retaliate, And find a permanent cure, Why am I always, So sacrificial and timid, Why don’t I fight, For my rights, indeed, Why am I always, Content with less, Why don’t I ever be, Mean and ruthless, Is it a crime being always nice, I don’t fancy being a baddie, I don’t know why, But I don’t want to be mean, I don’t know why, Perhaps that’s how I am, I am content being nice, And I am just being “ME”! p.s.. this poem's autobiographical, but perhaps, a bit exaggerated!!