
CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!! THIS ONE'S WRITTEN STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART AND UNEDITED..A BIT LONG TOO...BUT IF YOU ALL CAN WATCH A HINDI FILM FOR 3.5-4 HOURS.,..THEN THERE SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM!! lol!! Well, I don’t know how to write a non-poetic post but I do know why to write it...the reason being…I am really bored now, writing the same kind of poems again and again….also I believe in the saying. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT ….so I am gonna write my first non-poetic post….hope u enjoy reading it, my dear friends!(if u don’t like it, well, I am gonna blow your heads off!!!....just kidding…!!) Sometimes, I wonder…why do you hate your own life?...why do you try to be someone else?....why do you copy someone? it hairstyle or dressing sense or whatever..WHY??...the simple reason being, you are not satisfied with life….well, not all aspects, but mostly a major aspect like LOVE … In day-to-day life, for the past three years, I have been observing real-life couples, walking hand-in-hand, as if t...