the beautiful damsel!!

THIS WAS MY FIRST ATTEMPT OF DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT..... THE BEAUTIFUL DAMSEL!! I know flowers have fragrance, but oh, you beautiful damsel, u r the flower of innocence . A voice you have soft, that makes me think about you oft, oh,you damsel, nice and tall, your pretty eyes say it all.. Worthy to be ur guy i may not be, but I won't find a girl better than thee.. Oh, you goddess of beauty, you indeed, r d best but asking u to be my valentine is my test, oh,ye pretty maiden, though u r cute and nice, to be my better half i cannot entice, but a message to u i can give treat life as sea, friends as waves, ur heart as sea-shore... does it matter how many waves r dere in the sea, but what matters is which one touches the sea-shore oh, you might think Is this copied from someone, but no, my darling angel, it is composed by me for this is the least i can do for thee oh, my cutiepie, a wish to god i'll always make happy and lovely u shall always be, u shall always be...........